Game II: An Encounter

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Misaka wakes up in a bed. "Mnnm" She rubs her eyes and tries to sit up. "Aughhhh, owww." She lays back down taking deep breaths. "Where am I?" A young woman comes into the room. "Oh, you are finally awake." The young woman says. Misaka is confused. "Who are you? Where am I? What is this place?" Misaka asks worriedly. "You're at Clerical Healings, the best place of healing in the city." The young woman says. "Okay, what city am I in?" Misaka asks. "You're in the biggest city around hun. The name of it is Lisotannia." The young woman explained. "So, I am in a city I've never heard of great." Misaka says sarcastically. "You have never heard of Lisotannia?! Everyone has heard of this city. It's the biggest city in the country!" The young woman says.

Misaka looks very confused. "Anyway, where is the nearest hotel?" "What's a hotel?" The young woman asks. "It's like a place you can stay the night, but. Oh, that's right I don't have any Yen." "What is yen?" The young woman asks. The young woman is very confused about all these new words. "Yen is a currency." "Oh currency. We use Rubies not yen." The young woman says. "Okay how do I obtain these rubies?" "You must do work silly, everyone knows this." The young woman says. So where should I go to obtain work?" "Slow down there kiddo you shouldn't be up and moving for at least a couple more hours but if you insist you should join a guild. They have quests posted all the time". The young woman says.

"How do I join a guild?" "Do I look like an information broker?" The young woman says. "No you don't." "Good, you should get some more rest so stay here awhile longer." "Okay I'm going." Misaka says. "W-Wait! I told you to stay!" "I can't stay doc. I have stuff to do." "Doc?" The young woman pictures a person with a duck head. "Your broken sword is on the table." Misaka grabs the broken sword the leaves the healing establishment and wanders around the city until she stumbles upon the city center. She spots a sign in the middle of the city center.

"Hmm vendors left, City Hall straight, and Guild relations to the right? This is confusing. I'll just go towards the guild relations." Misaka walks down the guild path and sees another sign that says Information Broker. "I guess this is it!" Misaka walks into the Information Brokers building. "Welcome, ah it's so good to see a new face! How can I help you?" The information broker says. "I need to know how to join a guild" "Well you have come to the right place. You will need to apply for a guild. Higher-class guilds have an entry fee but they also have access to higher difficulty quests and lower. The lower-class guilds do not have an entry fee but only have access to lower difficulty quests. The middle class has an entry fee but it is 100,000 Rubies cheaper than the higher-class guilds but they have access to medium difficulty quests and lower.

The lower the difficulty the easier the quest is but that means the payout is less as well." The information broker says. "I think I get it, the easier the quest the less rubies you make." "Ding Ding Ding, that is correct. You're one smart cookie, stranger." The broker says. "Ill join a lower-class guild." "Are you sure about that? The lower-class guilds are not well maintained and could be just newly formed; that's why there is no fee." The broker says. "That is fine, I only care about joining a guild to make rubies." Misaka says. Hmm okay then you should like this guild. The broker says. The Information Broker pulls an application out of a old filing cabinet. The application reads "Application for the guild with the temporary name Utama's Guild".

"Why is Utama's Guild a lower-class guild?" "I don't know. I'm not the one who judges the status of the guilds." Says the broker. "Oh okay." Misaka fills out the guild application. "There you go." Misaka says. Misaka slides the application toward the broker. The broker takes the application and gives a map to Misaka to help her locate Utama's Guild's guild hall. "Just follow this map and it will lead you towards your new guild hall. Enjoy your new guild and welcome to Lisotannia!" Says The Information Broker. Misaka travels to the guild hall by following the map where the sign reads "Utama's Guild". Misaka enters the guild hall, she sees 4 people, 2 men and 2 women. The men go up to Misaka. The first man's name is Utama and the second man's name is Yamato. "Hey, who are you?" Says Yamato. One of the women comes over and introduces herself. "Hey, you must be the recruit. My name is Akuza. I am the Co-Founder of this guild."

Akuza points to Yamato. "This is Yamato." She points to Utama. "This is Utama. He is the leader of this guild." She points to the woman sitting at the bar. "The woman over there is Yakima she is the Founder of the guild but, she stepped down because of a accident." "My name is Misaka. It's nice to meet all of you." "Why are you dressed like that? That's not how we dress in this guild. You will need armor and a weapon to fully be a member. I don't see why we need a recruit anyway, we have enough members here." Yakima says pissed off. "Calm down Yakima. Why are you always so pissed off at everyone?" Akuza says. "Our guild is failing, that's why!" Yakima slams her hand on the table. "I'm sick of not being paid enough Rubies for the quests that I do. We can't afford another mouth to feed!" Yakima says pissed off.

Yamato signals Misaka to follow him, Misaka does in fact follow him. "We already have a room for you to stay in so you don't need to worry about that." Yamato Says. Yamato leads Misaka to her new room. "Sorry this place is in such bad shape we are running out of funds and no one is taking quests except Yakima. She is currently the backbone of Utama's guild financially. Hopefully you, being a new edition, could help us." "There is one thing I do like about this place, it isn't dull." Misaka says. "Isn't that the truth." Yamato laughs. "I'll let you be, it's getting late so I am going to hit the hay." Yamato says "Goodnight Yamato" "Goodnight Misaka"

Yamato goes to his room. Misaka preps herself for bed, she changes into her night clothes that were provided for her, then she lays down in her bed. "So, this is my new temporary life huh? I still need to find a way to get home." Misaka slowly drifts asleep, sleeping peacefully through the night. Roosters wake her up the next morning. Misaka walks out of her room stretching and yawn. "Ow ow ow. I guess I haven't fully healed yet." "Hey Misaka are you okay?" Utama says. "Yeah I am fine, just got into a little fight is all." "Good, Good morning though, the Guild Information Broker said you forgot your starting Rubies." Utama says. "Good Morning Utama, I'll go get them right away." Misaka goes back into her room and gets dressed into the clothes that were repaired by one of the guild members. "Who stitched up my clothes?" Misaka says to herself. She gets her shoes on and walks to the Guild Information Broker.

"Welcome." The broker looks up at Misaka who had walked into the room. "Oh it's you again. What was your name again? Miflapa? Mihapa? Mitapa? " The broker says. "Misak-" Misaka says, interrupted by the broker. "Misaka! It was Misaka. Yeah you forgot your starting 1000 Rubies. Here you go." The Guild Information Broker hands her 1000 Rubies. "Thank you, I already know what I am going to buy." Misaka says. "Oh yeah? What is that?" "Weapons and armor!" Misaka leaves the broker's booth, then she travels to the city center again. "Ugh the sign again." She looks closer. "Wait a minute, this isn't even in Japanese. How can I understand it then?." A person walks by Misaka staring at her weirdly for talking to herself, Misaka looks at the sign once more. "Vendors left. That must be it." Misaka heads left of the sign and sees the armor merchants building. She walks into the store.

"Wow, it's big in here." "Hello, thank you for stopping by!" The merchant looks up. "A fresh face and quite a looker too!." The merchant's wife comes out of the door behind him. She hits him upside the head. "Ow" "Sorry for my husband, he is an idiot. Feel free to look around and browse our selection." "Hmm I wonder what I should get" Misaka thinks to herself. She walks to one side of the room and looks at armor chest pieces. "Don't you have something..I dunno, less revealing and more protective orientated?" "Honey those are the less revealing chest pieces." The merchant says. "No way they barely cover my chest." "I don't know that's just how the blacksmith makes them. We just sell them. If you don't like it maybe we could refer you to another shop?"

The merchant says. "No, I'll just get this one. Misaka grabs a silver chrome chest piece. This should work for now." Misaka buys the armor chest piece. Misaka goes back to the guild hall, everyone is standing around the quest posting board. "Hey everyone, I'm back" Misaka! Hurry! Come look at this! They all speak together. 

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