Game IV: The Invasion

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Misaka and Utama rush into the guild hall. Yamato and Akuza are laying on the ground beaten and battered. Yamato's face is blood covered with slashes on his torso from a sword and burn marks on his arms. Akuza's right cheek is bruised and she has slashes on her back and finger marks around her throat. Yakima is nowhere to be found. "Where is Yakima?" Utama says. Misaka rushes over to Akuza. "Akuza, Akuza Akuza! Wake up!" Akuza starts to wake up. "Hey Misaka." Akuza says. "What happened?!" Misaka says. "We were attacked by The Outlaw guild." "The Outlaw guild?" "Yes, the outlaw guild, the outlaw guild is a band of outlaws. They live in the Dark Forest." Akuza says. "What is the Dark Forest?" Misaka asks. "The dark forest is a place where evil is known to congregate, people, monsters it doesn't matter." Utama says.

"Why do evil people stay there?" Misaka says. "No one knows, nobody has been deep enough in the forest to discover the reason why. The people who went into the forest become twisted, blood thirsty, and cannibalistic. Utama says. Yamato slowly stands up. "Those damn outlaw freaks." There is a knock on the guild hall's main door, again there is a knock. Shouldn't you get that Utama? Akuza says. Akuza stands up but leans against a wall. Utama opens the door and talks to the person on the other side. "Mhm, okay, that should be good for us. Thank you." The guild members look confused. "What's going on Utama?" Misaka asks. "We have just been selected by the Guild Masters to hunt down the Outlaw guild and eliminate them." Utama sits on a stool near the bar. "I can't believe they're having us do this. Look at the state of the guild. How do the expect us to fight like this?" Utama says shakenly.

"We could definitely use the rubies though to improve the guild hall and completing a Grand Quest could give us a better reputation. Plus we need quest points." He says. "What are quest points?" Misaka asks. "Quest points are points given to a guild for completing a Grand Quest. The more quest points the better reputation a guild has. For example, the guild The Heavenly Spirits has 15,391 quest points, which is an insane amount because Grand Quests are not given out often." Utama says.

The guild gets ready to leave. "Is everyone in a good enough condition to go on the quest?" Utama says. "Yeah" Yamato says. "Yep" Akuza says, holding her injuries. "I'm ready to stomp some outlaw head. Misaka says. "Alright then, let's make sure we have everything before we go. Has anyone seen Yakima yet?" Utama says. The guild members look at each other and shake their heads. "Hmm" Misaka says curiously. "Are we all ready, everyone?" "Yes, let's go!"

The guild sets out on their journey to the dark forest. They come across many small villages and towns on their travels while grabbing food on the way. They reach the edge of the forest, it's dark, gloomy, void of all color, and crows caw. "H-Hey do you guys see that v-village over there?" Misaka says shakenly. "Don't tell me you're getting scared now." Akuza says in a joking tone. "H-Ha as if! I'll show you." Misaka walks into the village. "Hey, don't go by yourself Misaka!" Utama says. The guild follows after Misaka and goes into the village. The village is just like the forest, dark, gloomy, and void of all color. The village seems to be abandoned and in ruins. "I wonder what happened to this place." Akuza says. The guild reaches the village center, there is a sign that reads Village of Refina population 30. "I have heard that name before." Utama says.

"If I remember correctly this village was prosperous in the time of the previous Evil King. This village was destroyed and burned by the Evil King in an attempt to go to war with us non-evils. The Hero of the time fought the Evil King on the border of this village and slue him where he stood. The might of the hero was great and the world prospered as a result. Now there are no Heros and no Evil Kings in this era." Yamato says. The guild looks at Yamato surprised. "I didn't realize you were a history buff Yamato. Akuza says. Yamato chuckles. "Well we all have our secrets." The ground starts to rumble. "Hey guys! What's that?!" Misaka says scared. Arms appear out of the ground glowing purple and black. They place their hands on the surface pulling themselves up. "EVERYONE GET READY! THERE IS UNDEAD RISING OUT OF THE GROUND!" Utama yells 

Author note: Progress has been slow on M&R but, I am still working on it every day when I find the time to do so. Also, due to my internet not being as great I will have to wait to get some of the chapter images uploaded, sadly because I work very hard on them. :(

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