Game 0: Introduction

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"Hello! I am Misaka and this is my brother Ryu. We live in a little town called Hiroo. We go to school at Hokkaido Hiroo High School. We live a normal life and live with our parents but, they are currently working overseas." Misaka looks to Ryu. "What am I supposed to do say something?" Ryu says. "Yes, you idiot! This is the introduction to our life and the story that the author wrote." Misaka says. "Alright, alright. Hey everyone I am Ryu I am still in high school and am a freshman. I like playing video games and reading manga. My favorite lunch is onigi-" Ryu says interrupted by Misaka. "They don't care about the food you eat. Anyway, one day this dummy decides to go to an arcade and some interesting things happen to us." She says. "Then our world gets turned upside down." Ryu says. "Hey, you're not supposed to tell them that part!" "Why it's in the description of the story?" "You have a point." Misaka says.

"Alright everyone we hope you enjoy our story!" Misaka and Ryu smile.

I wrote this story a couple of years back but, I am slowly re-writing it because it used to be horrible. I hope you enjoy the new version of Misaka & Ryu: Destiny Lords!

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