𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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As I unlock the door of my house I step into the smell of cigarettes and booze. I look into the living room and of course see dad passed out on the couch with beer bottles at his feet. I wonder what caused him to start drinking again. I look over to the coffee table and see a letter from the electrical company. I grabbed the letter and started to read that if my dad doesn't start paying the bills they'll turn off the electricity. Fuck why didn't he say anything ? I would have gotten a job if I knew what was going on. I feel tears swell up in my eyes. I look over to dad and take a blanket and throw a blanket over him and give him a kiss on the forehead. This would have never happened if that bitch didn't kill herself I thought. I stomped up stairs letting the tears fall from my eyes. I went into my room and took the picture of me and my mother and threw it into the garbage and started to rock back and forth crying on my bed. How could she be so selfish to leave us on our own when we needed her the most. I needed to cool off. I grab some clothes and make my way to the bathroom to take a shower. As I turn on the shower and let it warm up I look over to the sink and slowly open the cabinet underneath and pull out the blade I kept just in case. I looked at my wrists. The old scars were faint, almost completely gone. Then I ruined it by letting the blood drip from my stinging wrists as I sob on the floor of the bathroom. Maybe mom had the right idea after all. CRASH. I jumped up hearing the sound of glass being broken in the kitchen down stairs. I hurried and wrapped my wrist with a washcloth and ran down the stairs with my blade.

"Who's there? I won't hesitate to cut a bitch i'm serious!!" I yelled looking around with my blade pointed out in front of me. I look at the kitchen floor. It was covered in glass from the window above the sink. There was a rock on the floor. Who the fuck threw a rock at my window ? Did they break in ? I backed up slowly and grabbed my phone to call 911.

" Yeah sorry sweetheart I wouldn't do that if I were you" I heard a familiar raspy voice say from behind me.

" YOU " I yelled, turning to face him. My eyes met his face for the first time. His skin was white and he had black beady eyes but with no eyelids and a smile carved into his face . He was still in his white hoodie and black jeans. The only difference was he was now covered in blood. His hair was long and black. There was few strands falling over his face. I have never seen anything like him in my life. I started running for the stairs as soon as I could process what was about to happen to me.

" Not so fast, doll, we're just getting started," he said chasing me up the stairs. Jeff grabbed my foot and pulled me towards him. I screamed and tried to kick him off but he punched me in the stomach and I stopped moving from the unbearable pain.

" Wow you're even hotter up close such a shame" he said his face inches from my own.

" Well guess it time to go to sleep" he said, raising the knife above his head and bringing down

" NO " I yelled putting my arms over my face. Then nothing. I was still alive. I look up at him. He got on top of me and took my arms in each of his hands.

" Now would you take a look at this tsk tsk" he says in his raspy voice. He examined my wrists and saw the cuts. " Well this is no fun. It looks like you already want to die." he let go of my wrists and got off of me.

" you were gonna end your life before I even could weren't you ? ".

What the fuck was happening did he really just stop.

" What the actual fuck are you doing in my house , leave before I call the cops you motherfucker" I hissed at him to afraid to move.

" Ugh listen here bitch you just made my night a lot less fun so I would shut up unless you want me to change my mind and slit that pretty little throat of yours" he sneered at me. I stopped and just nodded in defeat I looked up at him and froze for a second if it wasn't my blood on him whose blood was it.

" Whose blood is that? '' I said, pointing a shaking finger towards his sweatshirt. '

' Oh that , well there was a drunk fat guy on your couch so I decided he should be dealt with, " he said shrugging. No.No.No. I screamed. Dad no he couldn't be gone. Not dad please. I let out a sob.I have no one anymore.

" Awww why so sad y/n " said Jeff in a baby voice. I stopped crying and looked up at him with bloodshot eyes. "How did you know my name?" I whispered.

             OOOoOoo whats gonna happen ? how does Jeff know your name ?

𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐒𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐉𝐞𝐟𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now