3. Refineries Go Boom

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Ep. 2 "Fracking Zombies" Ch. 2/2

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As a kid Joy always loved car rides, it was the only time of the day when she'd get to have a conversation with her parents that was longer than a minute, that was assuming they didn't have some important deal that was so important it meant they could break one of the basic rules of driving which was not texting while driving.

At least there weren't any cops left if Joy decided to follow in her parent's footsteps.

Although there weren't any cellphones either, or people to call on them anyway.

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After what Joy could only describe as the worst nap she's ever had (and that was including the time she slept on 10k's bathroom floor), they finally arrived to the Refinery, thought it definitely didn't look how they'd hope.

A faint thumping noise came out from somewhere inside the refinery, but that wasn't the worst part of the deal.

It was the thousands of zombies calmly walking around.

Now THAT gave Joy the heebie jeebies.

"That's not a refinery, that's a zombie factory." Joy shrugged, as much as it pained to admit, she agreed with Murphy.

"Fracking Zombies" 10K spoke up with a smirk, already planning how he'd get rid of such a quantity.

After all, killing zombies was his and Joy's specialty.

"That's the most curse-like word I'll get out of you, isn't it?" 10K shrugged, his smirk still prominently displayed.

Was it weird that Joy thought it suited him? Well, from her knowledge it wasn't unusual to think her friend was attractive.

She never really had anyone to tell her otherwise, after all.

The truck hadn't even stopped fully before 10K had latched onto Joy's wrist and pulled her off the truck, with Joy struggling to catch up and not fall face first on the ground.

She'd already fallen enough times, and she didn't feel like going through the embarrassment again.

A Z suddenly ran out from an adjoining room inside the building 10K had oh so graciously dragged them into, of which he totally asked Joy whether she'd want to join him or not.

Either way, she would've said yes, that she'd be with him 'til the bitter end. But for Joy it would've been nice to have been asked.

While 10K pushed the Z against the wall, holding it with his forearm to its throat, Joy unholstered her hatchet and swung it straight into the Z's skull, missing 10K's ear by mere centimeters.

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