69.- The Cheerful Demon

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Ep. 6 "Zombie Baby Daddy" Ch. 6/6

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Joy had a little box inside her head, a very special box.

In that box, Joy stored a little bit of everything. Her first memory of her birthday being almost completely forgotten. When her father locked her up in the closet. Her first time being bullied until she was left a mess in tears. Watching John die. Watching Garnett die. Watching Cassandra turn into Murphy's puppet.

In reality, it wasn't a box, it was more like a coffin. Because every last negative memory Joy refused to think about was stored in there, and then she buried it, six feet under the mounds of crazy thoughts and positive memories.

She never uncovered that coffin, she just let it rot in the depths of her mind.

And that's precisely where she stored the fresh memory of Cassandra dying right over her.

•——— ——— —•——

Joy didn't speak, nor did 10K. But what truly could they say?

'It's okay?' Because it wasn't, it would never be. 'It had to be done.' It didn't, Joy could've been killed and Cassandra could've lived, even as a puppet, but she'd still be breathing.

Joy had once thought that whatever Cassandra had become was worse than death, which she wasn't exactly wrong about, but watching her die twice was far worse than what she had become.

She would've rather died than witness what she had.

Wordlessly, almost as if they could read each other's thoughts, Joy closed Cassandra's eyes and dropped her body against the dry dirt before 10K came back with a pair of rotten shovels and they both began to dig.

Joy thought she'd cry more at Cassandra's funeral, but her eyes felt dry. A crusty dry with the dried blood across her face, the mixture of both hers and Cassandra's DNA smudges across her face.

Somehow it felt wrong to cry over Cassandra's blood, the salt of Joy's tears would surely wash away the last living reminder of her friend.

Once the whole was deep enough to harbour a body for a decent amount of time, the couple stopped digging and went to retrieve Cassandra.

10K carried Cassandra's body bridal style all the way towards her grave, where he gently set her down. Joy jumped into the grave beside her body, adjusting her hair around her so it was no longer such a mess, and zipping her jacket closed because Cassandra would hate to die looking like a post-apocalyptic zombie stripper.

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