66.- Chiquitina: The Finger Fetish Baby

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Ep. 6 "Zombie Baby Daddy" Ch. 3/6

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Once the two teenagers had cooled themselves down and dressed once more, they each gathered their things and began their trek back to the rest of the group.

Joy happily skipped in front of 10K, who was carrying his catch of the day. Both trying to think of everything but what had happened back in the stream; otherwise they were never making it back to the group.

A sudden crack of a branch had Joy stopping mid-step, looking between the mounds of dead trees surrounding her just to spot Vasquez walking the exact opposite direction where the group had settled. He couldn't have possibly been looking for them because he was at the opposite end of where he should be to reach the stream, that, or he was terribly lost.

"Vasque-" Joy begun to yell but was promptly shut up by 10K pressing his palm against her lips, shushing her while they both crept forward to watch Vasquez' actions.

He was jumpy and paranoid, constantly looking over his shoulder and tugging the strap of his backpack closer and closer with every passing step. Suspicious indeed.

"Let's go back to the group, maybe they know something we don't." 10K shrugged but didn't protest as they both began to walk back towards the group.

Perhaps Vasquez was assigned some task while they were gone. Or he was plotting their doom just to steal Murphy from under their noses, as he had planned from the beginning.

Joy hoped it was the first scenario, she was starting to like having a fellow fluent Spanish speaker in the group.

•——— ——— —•——

10K helped Joy cross over some fallen wooden planks from the small house Warren had chosen they'd settle at, or at least what was once a house, now it wasn't even standing and would probably fall on their heads any second.

What a fun way to die.

"Caught some trout." 10K announced while holding up his group of fish, Joy grinning by his side.

Maybe he had done all the work of catching those fish, but she had helped 10K de-stress because a stressed fisher was never good to have. Or at least that's what Joy told herself to justify the fact that she had blankly distracted 10K from his fishing duties.

"Kid, you are a fishing guru. What's your secret?"

"Be one with the fish." 10K replied in a deadpan expression that made Joy burst out laughing, 10K cracking a small almost invisible smile at the near wheezing sound next to him.

"Yeah, you don't say." Joy stood on the tip of her toes and shuffled 10K's still drying hair, so droplets fell over him, Doc and Addy joining in Joy's laughter.

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