60.- Cocaine Sheep

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Ep. 5 "Zombaby!" Ch. 2/5

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The truck slowly slowed to a stop, Joy's happy humming from feeling proper air against her face ceasing once more. She loved sitting on the bed of a truck, even if all the wind eventually made her cold, but that's what she had 10K for.

If they had to drop that truck, Joy was resorting to violence.

"Well, we've seen Amish zombies, Mormon zombies. We get Mennonite zombies, we got ourselves a trifecta." Addy spoke up while jumping out of the bed, Joy following in her footsteps with the addition of clinging to 10K's hand to jump off.

Addy was taller and better articulated, Joy needed the extra help unless she wanted to add a broken nose to the list of injuries she had sustained in the zompocalypse.

"Vasquezito, your safe-haven is shit." Joy got a jab in the ribs for her words, but she wasn't exactly wrong.

What Vasquez had described as green fields filled with people and life was now a run-down barn with overgrown, yellowing grass. It looked like no one had set foot inside that barn in years, decades even. Joy didn't like it, that gave her heebie-jeebies.

"Something must've happened here. Barn didn't look that way six months ago. Wait a minute. There's some livestock. That's a good sign."

"For what exactly? We can't eat them." Vasquez lowered his scope, which he had used to look in the distance with a shrug.

"A sign of life."

"Yeah, well, we're not going in there blind. So, Vasquez, you take the North fence. 10K, you go South. Addy, Joy and I got overwatch. Be back in twenty."

"Wait, why can't I go with 10K?" He nodded in agreement, they both always felt safer in each other's presence, bad things happened when they broke apart.

Like when she got kidnapped by Tobias and Co, when Major's camp was overrun with cult Zs, when 10K's shooting competition got overrun, when 10K stopped a nuclear explosion and Homer died... Good things never happened when the two were apart.

"Because Serena likes you." Warren pointed at Serena and Murphy, still inside the truck, far closer than they had been when the day had started. Apparently, shooting several people with an automatic got you brownie points for men.

Joy shrugged. "She also likes Murphy, so?"

"So. Murphy also likes running away, and we can't have Serena following him." Joy scowled but didn't argue further, even she knew Warren was right, no matter how much she hated it.

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