14. No Fair, She Just Got The Hatchet

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Ep. 6 "Resurrection Z" Ch 1/5

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Joy met her family out in Mexico only once, but from that meeting she could tell her mother was not only the black sheep of her entire family, but also why she had never met either side of her respective families.

Just one conversation in with her maternal grandmother and she had already told her she was too skinny, too short, and too tanned for having an American father (whatever that meant).

And in that one conversation she had also learned that her parents technically had her out of wedlock and both of their families forced them to marry before she was born because aborting her was not an option on the table.

So at least that clarified why her parents didn't really care much for her (or at least it sort of did), and why she'd only seen any family once.

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The group stopped in the middle of a highway in Missouri because his royal bald highness required to pee.

And like the good little subjects they were, they listened.

"No Zs in sight." Mack said as he returned from his Z scouting and jumped back on the truck where they were all piled up on, staring at Murphy as if he were a zoo exhibit.

Which he kinda was if you thought about it.

"That's a shame, I'm bored." Joy had spent the past five minutes of Murphy peeing just throwing her brand-new hatchet between her hands.

She was itching to stab something, and if she didn't see a Z soon, Murphy was going first.

"Anybody else worried about mister sunshine out there?" Doc said as he squinted his eyes against the sun, trying to get a peek at Murphy.

"I know, he's looking worse." Warren hummed in agreement to Garnett's words.

"Yeah, he was pretty creepy to start with."

"C'mon guys, give him a break. It's the apocalypse, none of us look our best. Y'know, it's like one long bad hair day." Addy tried to defend Murphy.

Why? Even Joy didn't know, who'd defend Murphy voluntarily?

"Addy, he doesn't have hair, I don't think that analogy applies to him." As much as they didn't like it, Joy had a point.

Joy's common sense: 1. Everyone else: 0.

"Speakin' of hair, what's with all the bald patches?"

"Maybe the vaccine is like liquid puberty, and he decided to change his hairstyle." And Joy's common sense had gone out the window once more.

Well, it spent more time out the window rather than in Joy's being.

Addy shrugged. "Maybe that vaccine is like zombie chemo."

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