35. The Red Flag Was Washed Off With Lavender Soap

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Ep. 11 "Sisters Of Mercy" Ch. 3/5

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Joy sometimes wondered if she had ever truly known peace. Was there ever a moment where the world just stopped for her in a full state of blissful mindful silence?

She honestly doubted.

Her mind was always jumping between two hundred different thoughts, fifty of which she would go into a in-depth analysis, and the entirety of Bohemian Rhapsody was playing somewhere in the background.

Joy even doubted she ever had peace as a baby, she didn't remember it of course but knowing herself she'd say her little baby self was just searching for the next bottle of milk and a diaper change all day every day.

But by having your mind running so fast so often, you grew used to it. And the blissful silence that came with no thoughts was suddenly more of a panic than the loud space in her brain was.

Did that mean Joy was in a constant state of calmness then?

Oh, how did she hate moral dilemmas.

•——— ——— —•——

Somewhere along the way Joy and 10K had been forced by Warren to retreat inside the van, and because there was no longer any space at the front seats (thanks a lot Sam) Joy and 10K had to squish themselves in the back.

Luckily for Joy's claustrophobia, the window at the back was awfully wide, and Cassandra was nice enough to keep her window slightly rolled down so at least some breeze would reach them at the back.

And to keep herself entertained while 10K braided the sides of her hair into a half up, half down style, Joy took it upon herself to flip her butterfly knife between her hands.

She could now throw it up into the air and catch it without getting cut! Don't ask about how many injuries she had sustained mastering that trick.

"You've gotten better at that." Mack pointed out as Joy caught the knife by the hilt for the third time.

"That I have."

"Just up there."

"Anybody home?" The three at the back could barely see anything, but even with their limited view of their surroundings, the place looked just about deserted.

Had their humanity finally screwed them over? Had sweet innocent 'want to see my dad' Sam taken them towards a trap?

"Doesn't look like it."

"Mack, you want to check it out?"

Mack nodded and opened the trunk of the van, hopping out before closing behind him, leaving Joy and 10K alone in the back.

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