6. Tweedledee, Tweedledum, Latina Alice & Co.

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Ep. 3 "Philly Feast" Ch. 3/5

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Joy had almost gotten kidnapped once before, it was to be expected with how important her parents were to the whole economic side of the world. She was five if she remembered correctly and Gina, the maid, had taken pity on her in a sunny Sunday morning and had taken her out to a park for her to socialize with other kids her age outside of school.

In classic Joy fashion, it had taken her ten minutes for the entirety of the kids at the playground to consider her the queen and make them all bow down to her.

Anyway, once her last loyal subject had left home, and only the defectors seemed to hang around, Joy had grown tired of the free-will of children and had gone off to find Gina among the sea of watching parents.

But before she could even reach Gina, little Joy ended up bumping into someone who claimed to be her father's coworker that had been sent to pick her up. She didn't quite remember their physical attributes, but Joy remembered her younger self being so excited that her father had shown at least a gram of interest in her that she almost went with the person.

Luckily, Gina had come up before little Joy ever dreamt of going with the guy and had dragged her straight home with a promise of some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies which she did indeed get.

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Joy could say she preferred that kidnapping rather than the apocalypse kidnappers who had gagged and tied both her and Addy side by side, with the latter struggling heavily against the guy who Joy kicked.

"It's okay, you're safe here. You're safe, no one's going to harm you." Joy had trust issues, so she didn't quite believe the movie gangster look-alike's words.

Nevertheless, they un-gagged Joy first, and she immediately spat out towards the weirdly clean table.

"Have you tried washing your gags? They taste like shit." She internally braced herself for the jab she was about to receive for swearing. But it never came, then it hit her and her panic grew more than she thought it would.

10K wasn't with her.

"You touch either of us, and I'll kill you." Addy snarled out, struggling so badly that the guy who had been guarding Joy had to move to help his friend to keep her down.

Joy only blew a stray strand out of her face, the braid she had attempted at making before she got herself kidnapped now a nest of knots on her head.

"She'll kill you. I'll just let you turn Z and tie you to a tree for the rest of eternity," Joy tilted her head thoughtfully. "Or maybe I'll bury you alive, I haven't really decided."

The gangster guy tsked. "Oh, sweet children, that won't be necessary. Please, the last thing we want is to harm either of you." Addy still didn't calm down only.

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