11. Santa Is Dead Kids

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Ep. 4 "Full Mental Zombie" Ch. 3/3

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Tommy lit the cigarette in his hand, sucking on the end before he coughed loudly, smoke coming out of his mouth.

"You're not supposed to swallow the smoke, Jefferson." John gave a weak chuckle, wheezing out his breaths.

"Listen to Joy, son. She knows." Tommy only shook his head out, handing Joy the cigarette.

She took a drag of the cigarette and let the smoke leave her lips before she handed it to John, letting him get a drag before retracting the cigarette.

"Thank you, both of you. That's pretty good." Joy let out a chuckle, while Tommy gave them both a weak smile.

"Only the best for you, John. You know it."

John's shivers began to get more violent, the man wheezing out breaths as he went, making concern for his well-being only rise in the two teens.

"Can I do anything for you?" John nodded profusely at his son.

"Make sure those knots are tight, it's not gonna be long now." Joy looked down, rubbing Tommy's arm in comfort for both of them.

"It's a double half hitch, just like you taught me." Tom nodded.

"Just be sure." Tommy went to check the knots while Joy pressed her palm against John's forehead.

"You're burning up. I'll go get some more water." Joy grabbed the nearby canteen and began to walk out into the forest.

"Don't go too far." Both men called out to her, she gave them both a smile.

"I won't. If you hear me screaming, that's just me playing tag with a Z. Don't go dying on me, John." He chuckled.

"Wouldn't dream of it, kiddo."

Tommy smiled at her one last time before she disappeared into the foliage.

"Son... Promise you'll do what we talked about. When the time comes. Promise me."

John nodded, picking at the edge of his nail beds. He didn't want to think about it, but he didn't seem to have an option. "I promise, just like we talked about. I swear."

John let out a noise of protest. "Don't swear, your mother never liked that." Tommy nodded.

"You remind me of her sometimes... You have her eyes. Definitely not her cooking skills thought, 'fraid you got stuck with mine."

Tommy let out a small smile, it had been over eight years since the loss of his mother, and his father refused to talk about her often. But when he did, it always brought a smile to his face.

"You have the same look in your eyes that she used to give me and that Cruise fella." John gave a weak chuckle while despite Tommy's best efforts, his cheeks turned red under the car lights that shone on them.

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