5. Gotta Go, Gotta Go, Gotta Go, Go, Go!

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Ep. 3 "Philly Feast" Ch. 2/5

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Joy had always loved sweet things, especially desserts. Anything that was at least eighty percent sugar was definitely becoming one of Joy's favorite things in the world.

In fact, the very first birthday gift 10K had gotten her was a pack of double stuff Oreos, and that was probably one of the best gifts she had ever received. Although his dad had pointed out how it would've been nicer to get her a stuffed animal or whatever it was 11-year-old kids liked. But Joy had never been happier in her life than when she received that package of Oreos.

So, when the last rations of the group just happened to be Twinkies, let's just say Joy had planned to savor every little nibble she managed to get.

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She ended up sitting next to 10K in an almost fetal position (or what she liked to call the 'Gollum, my precious' position) cradling her Twinkie carefully as she savored each teeny tiny nibble she took of the fluffy substance.

"Enjoy, that's the last of the food." Warren said as she finished wrapping up the little leftovers she had.

Joy only hummed, feeling like she was on Cloud-9 eating her ration. "Trust me, Warren, I will enjoy."

Next to Joy and 10K, Murphy had all but devoured his Twinkie, finishing every last crumb to the point where he even licked the package.

"God, I'm so hungry, my big guts are eating my little guts." His eyes left the regrettably empty package only to land on 10K's much more existent Twinkie which he was nibbling on.

Murphy pointed hesitantly at his Twinkie. "You gonna eat all that?" 10K, without a second go hesitate, shoved the entire thing in his mouth, eyeing Murphy as he shrunk back to his spot.

"Greedy old bastard." Murphy's eyes then went to Joy's hunched down position, a pretty new Twinkie in her hand.

"Hey, Happy, how about sharing?" At asking for her food, both 10k and Joy drew the line.

In one mirror movement, both Joy and 10K unsheathed their knives and pointed them at Murphy, the man in question immediately backing away with his hands raised.

"It was just a question." Once 10K deemed him far enough away from Joy and her ration, he tucked his knife away once more, Joy following suit.

Joy's parents hadn't educated her on much, only on the basics of how to speak properly and act around a superior, but when it came down to thankfulness and kindness, their maid Gina had taught her everything, there was to know.

And Joy could just hear her disappointed voice if she didn't at least say thank you to 10K for helping her save her ration, but words wouldn't just cut it for her.

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