41. Zs Are Evolving With Drugs

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Ep. 12 "Murphy's Law" Ch. 4/4

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If you had told twelve-year-old 10K that his crush for his best friend would not only grow into something he could barely keep hidden anymore, but also that he would end up dating her. Little 10K would've scoffed and called you a lunatic.

10K had never imagined himself with anyone, he was actually convinced that Joy would've rejected him on the spot. In fact, if it weren't for the promise his Pa made him do, Joy would've never learnt his feelings for her.

10K honestly imagined himself as a hermit, out alone in the woods with nothing but a fire to keep him company, and he'd occasionally go out to hunt or grow food when he'd require it.

Although secretly he'd always yearn for a family.

But 10K expected to be alone.

So, when it came to not only dating Joy, but dating in general, he had no clue.

He knew what Joy liked in a relationship and what she expected, he even knew her love language to a tea. But he didn't know how to give her what she wanted, in all truth, he didn't think he was ready.

Maybe he just should've never accepted to be her boyfriend, and then she'd be able to find another person more worthy of her than him.

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"What is it?" Doc asked while looking down towards the fenced compound full of Zs running around way faster than Zs should be running.

Zs really shouldn't be evolving if that was the case.

"Looks like some kind of warehouse."

"Damn. Those are some fast Zs. You think that's where they're at?" Warren shrugged and handed Doc some binoculars, so he could look out and see what was going on down below.

"Must be."

"Yeah, some kind of manufacturing plant. Mesa Pharmaceuticals."

"More drugs, just what we needed."

"Oh, the Zs are all over this place." Suddenly, Doc began wheezing out with the binoculars glued to his face.

"What's so funny?" Doc handed Warren the binoculars while still chuckling.

What he had seen had to be the funniest thing in the apocalypse for him to be laughing so much out of nowhere.

"See for yourself."

"Ooh. Uh..." Warren looked downright traumatized as she lowered the binoculars from her face.

10K's curiosity only grew further. Something that made Doc laugh and traumatized Warren?

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