71.- Z-ink or Z-wim

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Ep. 7 "Down The Mississippi" Ch. 2/8

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Joy had seen Sketchy and Skeezy in better positions. Well, Sketchy not so much, he still looked as roughed up and... interesting as the last time she had seen him. Though Joy was positive the last time she saw Skeezy he didn't look like he had been half chicken.

The apocalypse changes all.

"Doc! Well, I'll be damned!" Sketchy looked as relieved as you'd expect someone stranded on a boat in the middle of the Mississippi would be, which gave Joy a new method of making Murphy pay for his crimes by death row.

Leave him in the middle of a river with no food or water nor anyone to help him and see how long his mutated Z genes would keep him alive. A living torture that Joy would so love witnessing.

"Well, if it ain't Tweedledee and Tweedledumbass." Joy couldn't help but snort, she was definitely calling Sketchy and Skeezy that from then on.

"Oh, man. You guys' timing is perfect."

"What happened to him?" Addy having noticed the same thing as Joy had previously with the new chicken-ification of Skeezy, couldn't help but ask the question lingering inside all of their minds.

"He fell in with the wrong crowd."

"Did no one ever tell you two to never mess with chickens? Those little legs can do stuff." Joy shuddered at the mental image of when she had tried petting the slightly aggressive chicken her second cousin twice removed owned...

Let's just say there's a reason the chicken was placed in a pen alone, and that Joy could relate to Skeezy.

"Little legs." Skeezy shuddered as well as Joy had, but for slightly different memories popping into his brain while Sketchy gave him some comforting pats on the back.

Forget having zombie related trauma, Skeezy and Joy had developed chicken related trauma.

"Aren't you that kid that poured moonshine all over Biff Cliff?" Joy shrugged at Sketchy's question.

"Dunno. Tallish? Dark hair? Pervert?"

"That's him alright."

"Yeah, that was me. He deserved it, though." Sketchy let out a wheezing laugh that Skeezy soon joined into, Joy guessed they weren't too fond of that guy either.

"You're a legend, tiny one." Maybe Joy wasn't such a massive fan of Sketchy and Skeezy at first, but flattery was certainly getting them somewhere.

Joy's ego wasn't that big as a certain someone's who tried starting a zombie strip club. But even her regular sized ego loved being raised and pampered. She couldn't help it, Joy had a classy ego.

"Hey, kid! You still shooting out the lights?" Sketchy interrupted his own wheezing by talking to 10K by Joy's side, who as expressive as ever replied with a single word.

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