26. Never Eat Your Heroes

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Ep. 8 "Zunami" Ch. 4/4

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It was high time to explain Joy's apocalyptic hyper fixation on chicken nuggets. Before the apocalypse started, Joy had been promised some fast food, but with everything being suddenly overrun by Zs, Joy didn't even get a taste of an over-carbonated soda with some extra greasy burger.

At first, she had hopes for some frozen meat, and some deliciously greasy burger. Then she discovered meat was screwed, so she went to veggie burgers. Then every single place she went they were out, so Joy thought of sausages. After all, the ingredients of sausages were so processed it barely counted as meat anymore, but that didn't satisfy her hunger for fast food. So, Joy went to the next best thing she could come up with.

Chicken nuggets.

Also, food that was too processed to be considered actual meat, and the vegetarian options she had tried weren't as bad and were much easier to find, or so she'd hoped.

She'd tried switching to some other food, but nothing else filled the hole inside her heart and stomach that craved good old American fast food, so she had stuck with chicken nuggets since then.

And she would stick with them until she could find them.

Joy was coming for you chicken nuggets.

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10K had fallen asleep at one point after Joy had fainted, although he did make sure to stay away to see if giving her any space would help. It didn't, and with how exhausted he was, he didn't last long awake.

That was of course until he heard the door to their compartment open, and seeing as there wasn't enough space to turn his rifle to face the exit, he took out one of Joy's knives from her pockets and pointed it at the entrance.

Only for it to be Doc and Warren opening it up.

"How did it go, kid?" 10K sighed and tucked the knife momentarily in his pack. He'd give it back once they were out.

"Joy fainted." 10K slid himself out before reaching back in for both packs and his ever so precious rifle.

"I think I have some smelling salts somewhere." Warren nodded.

"Let's get her out of there." As carefully as they could, 10K and Warren slid Joy out and gently set her against the floor.

Out of the corner of his eye, 10K managed to spot Murphy and Cassandra sat at the table in the middle that was now covered in food and water.

But his grumbling stomach and dry throat had waited that long, they could wait a couple of minutes more to ensure that Joy was alright.

Doc rushed back from his medical bag with some flask and put it under Joy's nose, and not a second later did her eyes flutter open and 10K sighed in relief.

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