15. What Was The Present? Just Canned Jealousy

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Ep. 6 "Resurrection Z" Ch 2/5

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Joy received exactly four birthday gifts each year.

One from her parents, those were always some generic thing they found somewhere, also known as some worn out designer bag that probably belonged to her mom at some point, or a coupon to some store. Joy once got a five hundred dollar Amazon gift card from them. Though, their gifts always came in five days too late and were delivered by the butler.

Another from Gina, the woman didn't have much money to begin with, she lived paycheck to pay check, but each year she'd scrounge up enough money for a small gift for Joy. They were usually tiny glass figurines they sold at the town center occasionally.

Another one came from 10K's dad, John. He'd always take her and 10K out somewhere for her birthday, one year it was a zoo, the next a museum, one time he even took them fishing, though Joy didn't have much luck there.

And lastly, one from 10K. 10K's gifts were always Joy's favorite because they were always so thought out. One year she'd be obsessing over some boy band and 10K would get her some fancy signed disc from them. Another year she'd spend months wanting a burrito blanket just for the fun of it, and 10K would get her it.

Every person in her life had their unique way of giving gifts, but regardless of what anyone did, 10K always took the first spot.

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To deliver their weapons, Garnett went up first and handed his belt with his gun, and just to make sure he wasn't carrying any extra weapons they passed a metal detector over him.

They were definitely serious about the no weapons.

Then came Mack's turn, he handed out his two automatics. "Just make sure I get these back." The man behind the counter nodded.

Addy drew the short straw next and passed her Z-Whacker through the tiny window. "Why is this not making me feel any safer?" Addy took her belt off and handed it to the guy.

"Because everyone feels safer with a weapon on them?" Major Williams turned to face Joy and possibly scold her, but Garnett only waved him off.

He knew Joy was pissed about having to let go of her hatchet, so she was about to make some very Murphy-like comments...

"Looks like it's seen a lot of action." The guy spoke, Addy only chuckled and walked forward.

Warren handed her weapons in and immediately went to the metal detector person. "Ex-prison guard?"


"The one from Pitch Perfect? Wait, no, that was DSA."

Then Doc handed in his guns and positioned himself for the metal detector as if he had done that one too many times. Which he had.

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