10. The Loss Of Both Role Models & Nuggets

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Ep. 4 "Full Mental Zombie" Ch. 2/3

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Joy had a boyfriend once. His name was Josh, he was in her year and honestly had treated her really well. Used to bring her flowers every Friday, would offer to walk her to classes, and would always give her sweet cheek kisses whenever he could.

10K never really liked the guy, but he tried his best to get along with him for Joy's sake. And she was thankful for that, but it was terribly awkward whenever they sat together at lunch and forced poor 10K to third wheel them both.

Then one day, Joy found oh so sweet Josh kissing some other girl before first period. It was just Josh's luck that 10K's dad had an extra shift to attend to, so he had dropped both of them off early at school.

Joy ended up skipping that day of school in favor of curling up on 10K's couch, crying into his shoulder until his father finished work and drove her home.

The next day when she saw Josh in class, he was sporting a fresh black and blue eye with various other cuts along his face, Joy didn't think much of it until 10K showed up as well (him having woken up late and having to take a bus) with bruised knuckles and a busted lip. Joy could only guess what had happened between the two.

After that guy, it took Joy a bit to heal, but she never gave up hope that one day she'd find the guy who'd care about her over anything else and would stop at nothing to make her happy, and vice versa, of course.

Or maybe she already had.

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The car arrangement ended up being Warren in the driver's seat, Garnett in the passenger's, Murphy and Cassandra squished in the back, Addy and Mack at the front, Joy laying on the roof, and Doc with 10K at the very back.

Joy was hugging 10K's rifle close to her chest as the boy in question braided her hair into two simple braids.

Apparently, all those years of fishhook tying and trap making made 10K weirdly good with braiding Joy's hair.

"Hey." Mack yelled from the front as 10K finished tying off Joy's last braid.

"Y'all seeing that?" Warren slowed down the car to a stop, allowing Joy to sit up and hand 10K his rifle back.

He nodded towards her braids, a silent question of if she liked them. Joy shot him a thumbs up, playing with the very tip of one of them.

"That's them alright."


Everyone suddenly hopped off the car, 10K helping Joy down from her perch on the roof.

"Looks like they're trying to rob some poor family this time."

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