52.- West Virginia But It's Zombies

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Ep. 3 "Zombie Road" Ch. 1/3

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Another reason for Joy's fucked childhood had to be the fact that while other kids her age were busy watching Barbie movies and Pokémon, Joy was instead watching other movies.

The non-PG friendly types of movies.

Of course, whenever Gina caught her watching them, she'd immediately scold her and switch the channel to something more appropriate for her age.

But Joy found Dora completely and utterly stupid for not spotting the massive mountain that was clearly hiding behind her.

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Wouldn't you know it? The van ran out of gas. And what did Joy have to do yet again? Walk. For miles, and miles.

At least Murphy had to suffer more than she did because unlike Murphy, Joy had a strong boyfriend who was more than willing to give her piggyback rides for a couple of miles as long as it wasn't uphill.

But considering the entire state seemed to be covered in mountain after mountain that they needed to climb, more times rather than not, Joy had to keep pushing her poor legs.

The apocalypse just had to be one long leg day.

"We are going the wrong direction. Again." Murphy complained for what was possibly the thousandth time since they started walking. Joy tried kicking him in the balls after the first hundredth, but Warren told her she couldn't and threatened to put her on Murphy duty if she did, so Joy just had to resist her urges.

"You left us no choice. Too much fallout in the west."

"Again. That was not my fault." Joy scoffed under her breath, leaning against 10K to regain her breath, as they seemed to be taking a momentary stop in their trek.

"Murphy, don't make me have to explain the term 'failsafe doomsday weapon' again, please." Doc complained, just as done with Murphy as Joy was.

"How do you even know California's still there?"

"You're looking ripe. You better hope it's still there. Move." Vasquez, so far, wasn't that bad in Joy's eyes, she could trash talk people (Murphy) in Spanish, and he'd gladly join in while understanding perfectly, it was nice to have someone speak as well as she did.

Of course, Joy had 10K who understood Spanish almost perfectly after so many years of hearing both her and Gina speak it continuously, but he didn't want to accidentally butcher the language, so Joy had never heard him speak Spanish outside of the Spanish class they both took. So having Vasquez reply in the same language was great for Joy.

However, he was missing a couple of screws of common sense because he should've learnt by now that the more you asked Murphy to do something, he'd do the exact opposite just to annoy you. You could ask him to not jump off a roof, and he'd do it out of spite.

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