18. Bullet To The Heart, Totally Not Metaphorical

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Ep. 6 "Resurrection Z" Ch. 5/5

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Joy tried going to the gym once, she lasted exactly two days before she instead opted for doing the 10K family training. Which was just walking around a forest for at least seven hours every weekend, at least twice a day.

Granted, hiking across a forest while trying to be quiet to not scare the animals was probably ten times harder than any gym routine the personal trainer she had hired could come up with.

But it certainly was more fun because she got to make fun of 10K the entire time. In fact, she was so focused on making fun of him that she didn't even feel all the cardio she did.

She also ended up scaring most of the animals while doing that, but neither 10K nor his dad ever properly told her off for it, so she just kept doing it over and over again.

Oh, how Joy wished that she had enough energy to go back to those good old days.

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10K, Cassandra and Joy hid behind a wall as some crazy cult freak (per 10K's words) patrolled the corridor.

But there was something special about this man, because not only had he been carrying 10K's rifle as if he just owned it. But he also wore Joy's hatchet at his side.

It was a two for one special on weapons for the three.

10K poked Joy's shoulder to gain her attention before pointing at the pipe in her hand.

She hadn't even noticed she was still carrying it, but she did tend to forget a lot of things whenever she went into a claustrophobic panic attack.

She handed him the pipe and then pointed at the guy and herself, 10K nodded back.

Cassandra only looked confusedly with the two. Sure, she was part of their little friend group now, but that didn't mean she understood whatever language the two were talking to each other in.

Joy jogged into another corridor before coming up to one that led right behind the guy.

She smirked.


Joy whistled loudly, and the guy quickly turned around, pointing 10K's rifle at her chest.

The same rifle that had saved her dozens of times. Oh, the irony.

Joy slowly raised her hands in the air. "Sorry 'bout that, chief. Hope I didn't scare you too much."

"What is it do you want, sister?" Joy shrugged.

"I have a question about joining your church." The guy let the rifle drop down slightly, taking careful steps towards her.

"Ask away, sister."

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