56.- Joy The Gardener

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Ep. 4 "Batch 47" Ch. 2/4

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By this point, it's a highly known fact that Joy grew up in every money-maker's dream, maids, butlers, gardeners, personal assistants, you name it she had it. Which is why she didn't particularly have a green thumb when it came to it.

10K's dad got her flowers once, they wilted within days because Joy didn't know that all flowers required water. Then she got some sapling of some priceless herb from one of the investors of her parents' company. just trying to seem nice to the girl, she killed the plant too.

Not to mention that one time in kindergarten she was given the task to turn a bean into a sapling and instead of the bean flourishing like the ones of her classmates, Joy's turned out full of mould.

Joy was definitely not a plant person.

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Joy and 10K were tasked with a fairly easy thing to do, spy around and go find Murphy; the two were pretty stealthy, so it should've been a problem to not be spotted by anyone and find a six-foot man who looked like a real life Smurf who had a child with a Z.

Only one issue; even in her Murphy-fied state, Cassandra was pretty good at spotting the couple.

And that's the anticlimactic story of how 10K and Joy ran full speed back to the barn/living area to go report Warren of their failure.

"Cassandra just went into the lab. I think she saw us."

"Oh, she definitely saw us." Warren sighed, in any other case it would've felt like her sigh was like a mother scolding her children, but Joy hadn't been scolded by her mother enough to tell the difference, and Gina was usually pretty chill when it came to scolding.

"What do you want to do? Wait for Murphy to come out and jump him?" Warren shook her head.

"No, I don't like waiting. Bad things happen when you wait."

"We can take the guards hostage, search the compound for him." Vasquez suggested once more, making Joy break out into a grin. She loved crazy ideas and Vasquez was full of them, and by the way, Warren was nodding along, they were going with that plan.

"I like that. Doc, J.F, and 10K, you guys create a diversion." Joy saluted mockingly, Doc and 10K turning to her, as she typically had the best plans for distractions. Distracting was her specialty, after all.

"Aye, Aye, Lieutenant."

"Or you could just walk up and say hello, like civilized people." Joy's grin fell at the sound of Murphy's voice. He had to ruin her fun, she was already readying to throw molotovs at some building.

"Look who's talking about civilised, Mister I nuked a couple of countries."

"Hello, my ass." Both Warren and Joy spoke at once, the former earning a couple of weird looks from Murphy's new armed friends and his doctor friends.

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