50. Bugs Bunny (Apocalypse Version)

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Ep. 2 "White Light" Ch. 2/3

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Though 10K didn't take long to regain his footing, his deafness was lasting longer than anyone expected, and Doc and Joy had to keep speaking extra slowly and pointing everywhere, so he could get an idea of where they were going and what they were doing.

The first stop on their trip was an abandoned building with even more cars parked up front, the trio crouching down behind a particularly large van while Doc kept peeking over the van to try to spot Murphy.

Meanwhile, Joy had shot at so many people that her clip was mostly emptied, only one bullet left in the chamber, which meant she had to switch clips to the empty one in her pocket. But just like it usually was, her hand had decided to be a nuisance and the splint kept getting in the way of trying to press the button to release the now empty clip.

Joy huffed after her fifth attempt, dropping the gun by her side. "Jefferson, can you switch the clip?"

As soon as 10K gave her a confused look while grabbing her outstretched gun, Joy realized her mistake. She had forgotten he was still deaf for the moment.

Joy dug into her pants and brought out the clip, also handing it to 10K before pointing between the clip and the gun, slowly mouthing change, which was enough for him to understand and reload so quickly it seemed like second nature to him, which it technically was. Once he was done, 10K set the empty clip aside, pumping it once before handing it back to Joy complete ready to shot, she shot him a thumbs up in thanks.

"Okay, J.F, you stay here and cover for us." Joy nodded, pushing herself to a hunched down position, ready to spring up from the safety of the car.

"Shoot like it's Fourth of July, got it." Doc nodded before pointing at 10K and the car to his left, he was supposed to go there. He then pointed at Joy and the same car they were hiding behind to motion that she'd stay there. And then Doc pointed at himself and the car to his right, he was running there.

Doc's hands moved so fast Joy didn't quite understand if 10K had gotten the memo, but he nodded twice, so that's as good of a confirmation that he understood their plan that they'd get.

Followed by 10K's nod, Doc pointed at all of them as a group, then did some zombie imitation while holding an invisible glass of something in his hand and drinking it, and then pointed at the building in front of them.

Doc was saying that they'd go get Murphy, who was inside the building.

Who would've known Joy was that good at charades?

"Murphy?" Unlike Joy who stayed silent and gave Doc a nod in confirmation, 10K yelled loud enough for whoever was in the building to locate their position and end up shooting the window above them.

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