51. Flipping Their Way Into Grief

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Ep. 2 "White Light" Ch. 3/3

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Joy wasn't exactly a fan of zoos, most just captured animals and kept the poor things in captivity for the rest of their lives. But that didn't mean that Gina hadn't made the effort of entertaining her with zoo visits while her parents worked late at a nearby office.

Her favourite exhibit were always the spider monkeys because no matter how many caretakers stood around keeping an eye on things, those little rascals always found a way to steal someone's wallet and just be overall chaotic.

Joy's role model had been spider monkeys for a while. Which is pretty self-explanatory about how she ended up being the way she is.

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Don't ask who had come up with the idea, but somehow, someway, whoever it was convinced the other two to climb out the window and walk around the ledge towards a few rooms down, so they could avoid the zombie horde.

And while it wasn't that much of a problem seeing as the ledge was pretty wide, that did mean they were easy targets ready for the picking and the trio had to keep stopping to return fire and kill the occasional bounty hunters.

You know, just another Monday. Or Thursday? Maybe it was Sunday.

"I think I'm scared of heights." Doc stopped right in front of an open window, his body halfway inside the room while staring straight, Joy gripping 10K's arm so hard she was staring to dig her nails into his skin with her eyes closed.

"You've got to be kidding me, kid." Joy was, in fact, not kidding, a new fear seemed to be popping up every month in the apocalypse, and heights just happened to win the lottery that particular day.

But they didn't linger long enough to find out just how affected Joy would be by heights, at least she wasn't having a panic attack like she had with closed spaces.

Slowly they stepped over the broken glass from the window before Doc ushered them out the door, tip toeing through the corridors. And just when they thought they'd gotten away with it, a Z just so happened to turn around and growl loud enough to alert his buddies about fresh meat. Curse Joy's rotten luck.

"Mierda." 10K barely got to lightly pinch Joy's arm before they began running in the opposite direction from where the Zs were chasing them.

"Go, go, go, go."

"I still hate running!"

The only reason as to why Joy wasn't falling behind and already in the Zs' grasp was 10K literally shoving her in front of him and even causing her to stumble on her own feet as she went, nearly face planting just for Doc to catch her and the process to begin once more.

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