61.- Who Dies Slower?

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Ep. 5 "Zombaby!" Ch. 3/5

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They had to wait until 10K was awake to drag him towards the barn where the Mennonites were keeping the sick, Joy having been handed off his vest and weapons.

Joy already looked small next to Doc, Vasquez, and 10K being dragged between the two with Warren running behind her, but between the vest that nearly reached her knees with a dangling tail of some animal hanging behind her, the rifle that was the height from the floor to her chest, and the multiple straps across her shoulders hanging with different knives and a couple of smaller guns, Joy looked positively tiny yet dangerous, which was definitely how she was feeling at the moment.

Vasquez and Doc set 10K on a bed by the very back of the barn, Joy kneeling by his side with Warren pressed against her back, also looking worriedly at the boy.

"Hey, just stay awake for a bit longer, okay?" Joy grasped at 10K's hand, holding it so tight she thought she'd smash the bones in his hand into dust. Which was odd since it typically was the other way around.

"Hang in there, alright? You'll be up and runnin' in a couple hours." 10K tried giving Warren some sort of nod, but ended up coughing instead, the boils breaking out on his face even more prominent now that his skin kept paling.

Warren gave 10K a strained, encouraging smile, helping brush his hair out of his sweat stricken forehead before sauntering off to check on the rest of the group, leaving the two teenagers alone.

Even seeing that it was 10K who was coughing his lungs out and looked like the living version of a trypophobia inducing nightmare, somehow it was Joy that felt sick, and terribly angry, and worried, and every other negative emotion you could think of.

She was ready to bash the Mennonite's brains in, it wasn't technically their fault, but did it really cost them that much to put up a sign somewhere that said 'we have some deadly disease here, turn the other way'? Though knowing Warren, they probably would've gone to the village anyway.

But now thanks to their heroics, 10K was sick, Serena was going to have to give birth in a barn filled with the same deadly sickness 10K had caught, and Joy was negatively stressed beyond measure.

"J.F.K," Joy's head perked up at 10K's rasp-filled voice. He already looked sick, but now that he sounded sick too, it was like breaking Joy's heart all over again.

It was like watching Cassandra die again.

"Blanket... please." The words before and between were mostly mumbled to the point where Joy couldn't understand 10K's words, but the message was clear enough.

"Are you cold?" 10K nodded twice before another spluttering cough mixed with some heaves left from his lips.

Everyone in the apocalypse at that point had PTSD, so it was no surprise for Joy's own to be acting up, 10K's face switching between his own, that of his dead father's, and Cassandra's before she was Murphyfied.

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