Broken-heart attack

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[Y/N]=Your Name
[e/c]= eyes color

Alexei's POV

I looked around confused as I didn't feel expected pain. I tried to get up, but my legs felt shakily... Anna helped me to get up. ,, I told you..." She started, but then we've heard  a bark.
,,Thank God, Joy's found!"I cheered.
And then I noticed someone laying on the was a girl... But how..?

Wait! When I fell I heard someone
whispering right into my ear ,, Thank God, you're all right " I thought it was Anna, but she stood before me...So it must have been her!
,, We need to help her!" I demanded.
,, Stay here, Alyosha!" I heard Tatiana's voice. I looked up and saw all of my sisters rushing towards us.
They must have heard me screaming, maybe have seen all the situation, I think... They acted fast, especially Tatiana.
She immediately started giving instructions to the rest of us, even before the girls found themselves beside me.

,, You stay here"— She told me ,then added,, Olga, you too... Check on her."
My eldest  sister nodded and kneeled down next to the still unconscious, little girl, speaking of which, she seemed to be not much younger than me...
Then, Tatiana spoke to, The Little Pair'
,, Mashka, Nastya, you go and tell Papa, hurry!
Neither of them lose time....


I was sitting in girls' room. Tatiana by my one side, Olga on the other, reading book , while the ,Governess' scolded me about how reckless I have been and if it wasn't for that girl I even could've been dead...I felt awful... Not only I've got my family to worry but also because of me, innocent person suffered...

Suddenly the door opened. Olga slammed her book shut and all three of us stood up.

,, We have good news, bad news, and shocking news."— Nastya said quickly, for what Olga replied,, Good first."
Maria smiled,, That little girl is going to be all right..." I sighted in relief. Thank God...
Then Anastasia cut in ,, The shocking news: This girl isn't just an ordinary kid. It's the middle child of count Ipolitov.

I froze.

,, Older sister of Yanechka? — Tatiana asked quietly and Maria nodded in confirmation. I gulped , practically whispering,, Younger sister of Siergiey...?
,, Yes."

Bad news: I'm in trouble

He's not going to kill me. He's not going to kill me. He's not going to kill me. What?! Of course he is! If anyone thinks my mother is overprotective parent, then I wonder how overprotective sibling Siergiey is.
I say, 10 times more. And if this is the [Y/N] that he's calling his favorite sibling,then...
Then I am dead and even father Gregory can't save me...

,, Calm down, son... It's not an end of the world. You're just going to apologize to the girl. If that will make you feel better, she is not angry at you. Anna have already talked to her." Papa said as we were going towards the room, where our unexpected guest has been put. I'm glad she's not mad at me but her brother? Or sister?
Or her father.... I'm doomed.

The doors opened and we walked inside the room...

To my suprise, there were only two people inside.

Doctor Botkin standing near the bed and a girl who was half-siting, half laying on it... This must be [Y/N]...

Doctor turned to us.

,, Your Majesty 's ." He greeted. As the girl looked at us . She seemed scared but also somewhat happy...?

She tried to get up, but doctor Botkin stopped her.
,, I told you not to get up just yet.
,, But..." She sighted and looked down as if she was ashamed...
,, Its all right.." Papa spoke up as we walked closer to her. ,,How are you feeling, dear?
,, Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty.  I am feeling all right now, unfortunately I cannot understand why Mr.Botkin does insist for me not to get up in Your Majesty's presence...
I apologize. I mean no disrespect to any of you. "
  She looked at all 3 of us and bowed her head.

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