Sun and shadow

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[Y/N]= Your Name
[Y/N/n] = Your Nickname

Third person POV

[ Y/N] woke up at 6:30 a. m., well- rested as never before. Finally she had nothing to worry about!  Russian people were doing better, the revolution had no point to continue. So her godfather and his family were safe.
Finally, she could get some rest from constant worries, that wouldn't let her sleep at night...

For once, she slept without nightmares, woke up with peace in mind... First time in 3 years....

" What a beautiful day..."  She sighed looking out of the window with a smile on her face. " Spring really brings hope..."


Of course everyone would notice, [ Y/N] is acting differently. She had better appetite and was much more cheerful and talkative.
Alexandra smiled. Only now, she saw how much the girl ressembles Ekaterina, not only from face features, but also character.
" You're in good mood today, [Y/N/n]." Maria smiled happily. " Better than ever..."
" Not only me." [Y/N] shook her head." Look at everyone"
It was true. Everyone seemed to be more relaxed and happy today.

" I have an announcement." Nicholas spoke and everyone stopped chatting, listening carefully as he continued. " In a few days we're going to Livadia."

All the children cheered, but then [Y/N] remembered something.
" In few days is Yana's birthday... She will be sad that I won't be there to celebrate...
" So you're staying here?" Tatiana asked as the girl sighed." I don't know...I would love to go with you guys... But Yana is my sister..." Suddenly, she got an idea.
" I'll visit her today! I have a gift prepared since March, I can give it to her and spend some time together, so she won't feel left out! Of course, If it's all right with you...?" She looked at everyone, uncertainty.
" Of course. Go and have fun. Alexandra smiled.
" She's lucky. Skipping lessons again..."Anastasia mumbled.


As [Y/N] rode in a carriage through the city, she could clearly see, how much it changed within these few months. People acted completely different and were doing different things. Instead of wandering around the street, they were building their new houses or taking care of small gardens. And everyone was so nice to each other... Youngest children were laughing and playing, older, probably started lessons at school. Everything was so peaceful... It was hard to believe in. Compering to what she saw last time here...


People were working while talking to each other.

Older woman #1: We'd never thought, we'd live to see the day..

Older woman #2 :When something in here finally gonna change...

Young woman # 1 : True is, it really came here, suddenly...

Young woman # 2: Still, we are so, so glad it came!

All citizens: Times are better!

Man #1: I've got my own peace of land!

A man smiled proudly. His neighbor carrying  bucket of bricks. While an older man, who had probably no strength for physical work, was watering the garden.

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