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Third Person POV

Germany, A year later ~

Lisa looked around in horror. Ever since Russia has won the battle of Moscow, Hitler's paranoia grew stronger. He saw traitors absolutely everywhere...


Once again, she saw people being dragged out of their houses, only to be transported to the concentrational camps, or simply shoot and killed...

Lisa: If it's not a dream... And once, there could be world... Where one has right to live and where's freedom of word...

She began to lose hope, if anything will ever change... And she knew, she'll get caught eventually...

Lisa: If faith in all this is nothing but lie, will the morning come? Will it end this night?

But, hey, Russia won... She fulfilled her job, right? But she will get killed and will never be able to see [Y/N] or her dear Peter...Ever again..

The picture of the tsarina flashed in girl's mind. Noble, elegant, strong...

Lisa: Chaos in the world... And you are standing there protecting your dear land and people in your care...
You shine from above, like a star in the sky... Let your spirit soar, let it never die...

Well, at least, nothing bad will happen to them.

Lisa: I know that in this moment, you're all safe and sound but I know, since this moment, we'll never be found...!


She closed her eyes, hearing more screams and cries, begging for mercy or help, children crying to there mother's, cough of choking on blood... Suddenly, among all those sounds, she heard a voice speaking her name.

" Lisa Adelaide Glück?" The soldier asked in a raspy sharp voice.
" It's me." She answered calmly. She didn't care anymore what will happen with her.
" You are coming with us."
" Why?"
" You are to be transported to Auschwitz. Don't try to fight. Don't  make it unnecessarly harder."
" I understand." She simply began to walk with them.

Lisa: And for this one short while now, I've no fear in heart...I know, I've done best I could... I have played my part...!

On the way to the train station, Lisa suddenly got a bit of her hope back...

Lisa: I can hear the drums...The rythm they're beating in, says about Fürer's fail... And that this day is near...

The train was here, to take the new prisoners to the Concentrational camp in Auschwitz... The girl took one last glance behind her.
Her last thought was about Peter.

Lisa: If I am to die, dear God above...Hear out my last prayer and protect
My love...

She stood in the car that looked like the one where you keep cattle, squished between other people, as the train was on its way...



Meanwhile ~

[Y/N] rubbed her forehead tiredly and put the newspaper down. Once again, she read about Nazi's cruelty. Yesterday, they murdered bunch of Jewish children from an orphanage. She was more than sure they were not people, not even monsters.... They were demons!
Suddenly, the door opened and her eldest son ran in. " Mother...!!!" He cried out in despair. She gasped, frightened as she never saw Peter in such a state before... " Peter, my child, what happened?! Are you all right?!" She immediately found herself next to him, cupping his face with her hands and wiping the tears from it. " My dear boy, what's wrong?"
" Mother...! They.... They took her!!!"
" Who?"
"  The Nazi! They took Lisa...! To Auschwitz!!!"
[ Y/N] heart sank. Many people these days didn't know what the Concentrational camp was. Nazi would lie that people just work there and live normally, but not her. She had her ways to know what actually was happening there... It was literal Hell. And now Lisa was there..." Jesus Christ..." She whispered in horror.
" Mama! I beg you, do something! Save her!" Her son literally dropped onto his knees and grabbed her hands. " It can't end this way! It can't end at all! I love her!" The tsarina felt her heart breaking, looking as her child gazed at her pleadingly. " Mama...Help...I beg you.." He said softly and tears streamed down his face. She bended down to Peter's level and put her hands on his shoulders. " I will not leave it, like this. I promise." She said those words loudly and clearly, in the tone of a ruler making promise to their country. The boy looked up at his mother, then unconsciously threw himself into her arms and she hugged him tightly as he began to sob again. Peter might have been 16, but for her he would always be her little boy. And she will never ,ever let anyone hurt him. Never.

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