Trust and Courage

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Third Person POV

It was bearly 5 in the morning and Alexei was getting ready to leave. His father said he'll wait for him in a carriage. He was almost at the door, when someone suddenly grabbed his hand.
" Wait."
He turned to see [Y/N]. She was still in her nightgown and her hair was a little messy. He could see from her eyes that she couldn't awake earlier than maybe 2 minutes ago...
" [Y/N]...Why aren't you asleep?"
" I wanted to say goodbye..." He couldn't help but smile. She was so caring and loving towards everyone. It was kind of peculiar, because in moments like this, she often reminded of a little girl, much younger than she was now, and at the same time, she seemed so mature...
" That's sweet of you, but it's still dark outside..."
" What would you expect? It's
winter..." She smiled at him.

In that moment, Alexei saw her as the most beautiful girl in entire world. And it was not only that she had pretty face. The thing mostly worth attention were her eyes, because in someone's eyes you could see their soul...  And her soul was beyond any beauty, that is showing even stronger when she smiles. No matter how she would look like, he will always see her this way.
" Please, be careful..." She whispered hugging him. He returned the embrace.
" I'll be back before you know I was gone.
" Famous last words... She mumbled, her arms still wrapped around him and her head resting on his chest.

If someone, who didn't know them, would see something like this and put aside the fact that they're kids, this person would be sure that it's the soldier going to war, saying goodbye to his beloved...

" I have to go now..." Alexei said quietly half to her, but also to himself. He had to keep the discipline, if he wanted to be soldier one day. But , dear God,how he hated to go...
They slowly broke apart as he spoke to her once more. "You, OTMA and Mama, take care of each other..."
She nodded. " And you and your father, take care of yourselves, too..."
" We will." He promised.
He was about to open the door and leave, but turned his head towards her again. " Come back to sleep." He asked her gently. She nodded and went back to her room. Once he didn't see her around anymore, he left. He knew that otherwise, if she was still in the same room, he wouldn't be able to go through that door...


Later that day ~

OTMA and [Y/N] were all sitting in the girls' room. The Grand Duchesses noticed that their friend was acting strange... Ever since morning, she was awfully quiet. Now she seemed to be completely focused on her needlework. Romanov sisters exchanged concerned gazes, but none of them dared to speak up. Eventually, Olga decided to break the awkward silence. " You... Um... Seem to really enjoy embroidering, [Y/N/n]..."
" It helps me to calm down..." She answered.
" You really are phenomenal in this!" Maria cut in clasping her hands together.
" It's all thanks to Beatriz... She has sent me this pattern  for embroidery. She wrote in a letter, it's from aunt Ena... I-I mean queen Victoria Eugenia... She keeps sending me gifts... I always share it with Yana, but still I think, I own WAY too much expensive things..."
" As a princess of Spain..." Maria shrugged and [Y/N] shook her head.
" You mean a bastard. That's who I am for Spanish royal court.
" What?! Why?!" Tatiana seemed more upset than ever before.
" Because my mother brought a ' dishonor to her family ' by falling in love with someone from lower class."
" Do they know what the word ' dishonor ' means?"  Tatiana shook her head in disbelief.
" Besides, what are YOU to blame for what anyone else doing?" Olga asked rhetorically.
" The same what was Elizabeth Tudor, for people's opinion about Anne Boleyn..." [Y/N] shrugged.
" They're just stupid." Anastasia stated, making the girl laugh slightly.
" You girls, know what?  I hundred times more prefer being a 'pannyless' countess, here in Russia, than a rich princess in Spain." [Y/N] declared.
" You are not 'pannyless', silly!" Anastasia snickered.
" Technically,I am. In fact, the only reason why I have a roof over my head, It is only from a goodwill of your father and my aunt." The girls looked at her, then at each other, afterwards, immediately pulling her into a group hug.

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