Chapter 1

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Tomb-sweeping Day saw a few days of cloudy, light rain before the sky finally cleared. A carriage rolled over the puddles and left a mark.

Liangdu is leaning toward the imperial city to the Daguan noble area. Beautiful, calm, and cozy describe the surroundings here. A blue-gray high wall is located behind the large, smooth road, which is flanked on both sides by lovely, beautiful willow trees that sway in the breeze. The scarlet gate and the bronze lion of the townhouse serve as the norm in this area. The writing on the plaque was done with the emperor's pen.

Of course, the officials will be higher up and nobler the closer you get to the imperial city.

A group of people set out from the east, traveled down the broad road, and halted at the fifth home after reaching the third street in the west.

The leader was a young man on a white horse, wearing blue silk and a jade crown. The right door plaque's two large words "Shenfu" caught his attention. He was quite graceful in his movement. "Dad, mom, here we are." he said as he walked over to the carriage standing behind him.

Shenfu is a new rich mansion. Shen Tingsong, a family member, is becoming more and more well-known after three generations of continuous work. He was sworn in as an official at the age of 30 and now serves as secretary chief. The emperor has a significant amount of trust in him, not to mention his exceptional abilities.

He was sitting gloomily in Xianyun Hall at this time, gazing at his wife and daughter as they knelt, with a cold light in his slender eyes.

Shen Tingsong's mother resides in the elegantly decorated Xianyun Hall. The elderly woman was seated in the middle of the room, with her eyes closed, moving the Buddha beads in her palm slowly.

In the lower left corner, Shen Tingsong sat across from his second brother Shen Tingtong and his wife Chen.

Except for the two people kneeling, the children in both rooms stood behind them.

The atmosphere grew tense and frigid due to Shen Tingsong's expression and silence until the subordinates who were guarding the entrance entered and announced that the Changping family had arrived.

In contrast to Xianyun Hall, a small yard in Shenfu's northwest corner had magnificent flowers on both sides that were rolled in dew, which turned them a deeper shade of golden. On it, a lot of bees have been flying, and the people are calmly going about their everyday affairs. The courtyard's owner is now donning green. Her entire outfit, including her shoes and headpiece, is green.

With apricot eyes, a cherry mouth, and a rosy complexion, the young girl resembles an elf in the mountains and looks to be fifteen or sixteen years old.

But at this moment the elf was working out. She yelled loudly, waving her fist in the air, "Hey, humph! Hey, humph!"

After shouting twice, she straightened up, grabbed the handkerchief the maidservant next to her had handed and wiped away her inexistent sweat. She then looked up at the sky, briefly took in the beauty of the flowers, looked down at her green outfit, and then crossed her waist, ready to declare with satisfaction as usual, "I exercise, I'm healthy!"

"No, no!"

Xiyue hurried in, "Second Miss, it's not good! The Marquis of Changping has come to get a divorce!"

When Shen Xianyu, the Second Miss, heard this, she ignored the other party's upbeat tone and looked down at the color of her outfit. She thought that there was no reason for her arbitrary decision to dress in green this morning. This is a woman's damn intuition!

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