Chapter 16-18

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Chapter 16

As soon as Dingbeihou entered the college, he saw his son's stupid appearance, and his face suddenly turned black. As a result, before he said and reprimanded him, someone took the lead.

Shen Xianyu turned around and roared, "Shut up. If you cry again, I will really suck your blood. The blood of a tender and fat person like you is the sweetest and delicious."

After saying that, he licked his lips threateningly, showed a mouthful of white teeth, and collided up and down to make a "knocking" sound.

The little fat man trembled with fear.

Shen Tingsong had reached the limit of patience and slapped his daughter's forehead hard. "Don't mess around!"

Shen Xianyu covered her forehead and said, "Dad, am I still your favorite daughter?"


The latter refused without hesitation.

"Miss, does it hurt? Do you want me to call you?" Da Ya, who was also full of injuries, ran over. During her speech, she did not forget to stare at Shen Tingsong. Why is the master so close?

"Dean, Lord Shen."

Dingbeihou, also known as Wang Pangzi, came out. Several adults greeted each other, and then many parents came one after another. Most of them were like Shen Tingsong, teaching their children a lesson like acting. Everyone understood in their hearts, young people, isn't it normal to fight? They also came from that age group and apologized to the dean, promised to teach the child a good lesson when they went back, and then apologized to the parents of the child who were beaten by their own children. The other party said, "It doesn't matter. My child is also wrong."

Originally, hello, hello, everyone, it should be a successful end.

Who knew that Pangzi's mother and grandmother came and stared at the appearance of her child. They cried so sadly, obedient and heartbroken. They barked very naturally, but they didn't see the look of Pangzi who wanted to drill the ground.

"Mother, madam, I'm back." Dingbeihou said with a bitter face.

"Okay, you Wang Zhilong, you will be a cowardly guy at home. Get out of here." Grandma Wang roared at her son with red eyes and looked at the other students, "Who beat my grandson and stood up for the old man. If you don't give the old man an explanation today, none of you can think about it well."

Dingbeihou's face is even more bitter.

His mother's mouth offended a lot, okay? Don't think that these people are easy to talk with a smile. It's no problem for them to teach their children. If outsiders intervene, they will definitely be revenged.


Shen Xianyu hid behind Shen Tingsong, and his voice was also not small. "Learn something. This is what relatives should say."

After saying that, his head stretched out from behind his own father and said with a smile on his face, "Grandma, I'm sorry, I hit your fat boy. This is my father. If you are angry, come to him. If you are really not good. My grandma is at home. Go fight with my grandmother."

It's like someone who doesn't have grandma.

Shen Tingsong bit his teeth and suppressed his anger.

Now Mrs. Shen, who is reading the Buddhist Sutra in Xianyuntang, suddenly sneezes and didn't know that her direct granddaughter had an appointment with her.

"Dad, don't be timid. Go and beat Wang obedient's father."

Shen Muxuan looked at his father with sympathy.

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