Chapter 159-160

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Chapter 159

Daya and others took several girls out of the woods. A roller coaster has been parked on the official road not far away, just the same number of these girls.

Da Ya whistled.

A well-dressed middle-aged woman came by each carriage. When she saw them, she greeted them with a smile.

While greeting, he handed over the bag in his hand, which was obviously for the girl who only wore underwear.

Shen Xianjing and others took it gratefully and put it on quickly.

"How are you, miss?"

"Very good. I can eat, sleep happily. By the way, she got married on September 19. You can all come then!"

"Come on, I'm sure to come!"

"The young lady may send the wedding invitation to all families in a few days!"

"Miss finally got what she wanted."

"That's not true. Her greedy prince for a long time finally got it!"


At first, he said it seriously. The more she went behind, the more Shen Xianjing couldn't listen. In the eyes of this group of people, what was the image of their second sister?


Thinking about my sister's nymphomaniac with Mr. Yun.

Even if it's the truth, just stay in your heart. You don't have to say it.

"Da Ya!"

Shen Xian shouted quietly.

"Miss, follow Aunt Chen. Peace of mind, she will send you to Shen's house safely!" After saying with a smile, he looked at the other girls, "Misses, please rest assured that these aunts are from Liangdu people, all of whom are believed by knowledge. You follow them, and they will send you home without disturbing outsiders. I believe you all know that I am Shen Er's maid. Believe me, I also believe us. Miss, go home early and have a rest!"

Ladies: "..."

They don't believe the famous Shen Er very much.

However, they also remember that it was these four girls who saved them, which alone deserved their great gratitude.

The ladies saluted and thanked them one by one, and also expressed their intention to come to thank them soon, and then got into the carriage gracefully one by one.

The girls waved until the carriage left, and then turned around and dared to go to the place they made an appointment with the young lady.

For the reputation of these ladies, the carriage deliberately spared her way and entered through the Nancheng Gate and went home. Mrs. Shen looked at the intact eldest granddaughter and kept her heart to reality. Today, she was really scared to death.

After a lot of comfort and inquiry, Shen Xianjing ate something during this period.

"The second girl saved you?"

Shen Xianjing nodded, "Yes, although I didn't see the second sister, I saw them."

"Didn't you see your father and eldest brother?"

Shen Xianjing shook her head.

Mrs. Shen's heart was raised again. The second girl is also her granddaughter. Although she was a little crazy and still a little abnormal, she thought that she really went to see such a thief alone. Even if the second girl usually showed her very bad appearance, she couldn't help worry.

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