Chapter 3

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Because of 650,000 taels of silver, the three of the Qi family completely forgot that the second purpose of their purpose of going to Shenfu was to marry Miss Shen's third lady of the Shen family. Also because of this huge amount of compensation, the Qi family's houses were noisy, and even almost affected Qi Shuhan's status at home. Finally, they thought about the future and had to bear to dig for meat. The pain sent the silver ticket to Shenfu.

However, they suffered so much that they could not suffer this loss so silently.

Therefore, at the next moment, everyone in Liangdu knew that Qi Shizi and the madwoman of the Shen family had withdrawn.

No one will be surprised by this. Sooner or later, even ordinary people will not be willing to marry a crazy and sick woman, let alone Qi Shizi is a noble man and a famous young talent in the capital.

But what the hell is the compensation of 50,000 taels of silver?

My chin was shocked, okay?

Are the people of the Qi family in their brains? Or do they already have money that they don't even pay attention to so much money!

He retired and got 650,000 taels of silver. Both ordinary people and dignitaries drooled with envy. These included the emperor in the palace. Hearing the news, there was ferocious greed on his handsome face. His first idea was to marry the underage princesses and princesses. Minister If her daughter is divorced, she can get 650,000 taels, and why does the emperor's daughter get 65.5 million yuan?

Then he gave up in dejection. After all, few people dared to resign the royal marriage.

Why don't you go to Shenfu to steal?

What does a little girl want so much money? He refused to think about the possibility that the money would be confiscated by the Shen family. After all, the Marquis of Qi personally said that he would compensate the second girl of the Shen family.


That's a good idea. Plan it well. His wallet will bulge a lot.

There's nothing I can do. There are too many places to use money. The treasury and him are almost exhausted. At worst, take care of the little girl more in the future. At this moment, I feel at ease and continue to be immersed in reading the chapter when his Mingjun.

The silver ticket at the center of the topic only passed Shen Tingsong's hand and was sent by Daya to Shen Xianyu.

This money is hot!

Shen Xianyu immediately realized this. After thinking about it, she got up and asked Erya to make up for herself. She was going to meet her. Well, it seemed that she hadn't seen her relatives for seven or eight years. Thinking that without their protection, she could not live a leisurely life for 16 years. In the future, she would have to rely on the background of the Shen family. Continue the life of salted fish and say goodbye before leaving.

She is such a kind and filial person who definitely doesn't want to throw out hot things, absolutely not!

"Black, darker."

Shen Xianyu, sitting in front of the dressing table, looked at the bronze mirror to command Erya. Her fair skin slowly turned into black charcoal. He looked up and said, "Don't forget your neck and hands."

Erya moved her men.

"Moles, where's the big red mole? Stick more to your chin, left and right cheeks, and forehead!"

Erya quickly went to the ground.

After sticking it, I looked at my girl's face and trembled all over. More than a dozen big red moles were all over the whole face, which made people goose bumps.

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