Chapter 169-170

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Chapter 169

"I will never lose!"

When Shen Xianyu left, the father-in-law's wife said such a sentence in a very firm tone.

"I know, I know."

In contrast, Shen Xianyu's attitude is much more perfunctory. "You have said it many times."

However, this contrast made the Yun family feel more determined that the father-in-law and wife lost. Mrs. Yun was the happiest. Even before returning to the yard, she did not forget to say to Yun Zhenri, "I think the second girl is very good. Don't be influenced by the rumors outside. Even if you live outside, she is our cloud. Don't you be bullied before she got married, and she was bullied after getting married. Doesn't that mean that you are not as good as Shen Tingsong?"

Who dares to bully Shen Er?

"Mom, I know."

No matter what he was in his heart, he still nodded in agreement.

The newlywed Shen Xianyu has always maintained a very good mood. Even if the things in the room are not very competitive, she is tired of being with the male god every day, and every day's progress is very welcome. She even secretly made a schedule of the plan. Well, she clenched her fist with confidence. She will definitely be able to Take down your own man.

There is no doubt about the charm of square dance.

In less than five days, several old ladies changed from the initial twisting, red face and red ears, and cling to cheerful, free and dynamic.

After sweating, they found that the whole person was refreshing.

Not enough manpowered?

Don't be afraid.

There are not many mothers around the old lady. Take the way and strengthen the team first.

Shen Xianyu, the lead dancer on the first day, was kicked to the end on the third day.

I was disliked by the old ladies and jumped too badly.

And Mrs. Shen and Mrs. Yun finally understood the importance of the central position. Good boy, at a glance, they are the most eye-catching existence.

Shen Xianyu also had to admit that these old ladies did not brag. When they were young, they danced no worse than today's Shen Xianlan. Anyway, there were no artistic cells, she was too late.

Later, she usually only applauded and served as a part of the logistics.

While Yun Shaojie was studying hard in the study, Shen Xianyu lay on the table and designed clothes for the old ladies and read books to buy shoes.

Good-looking clothes are matched with sports shoes of the same color.

This is both beautiful and comfortable.



Since starting the square dance, the old ladies have stopped applying grease and powder on their faces, because sweat will cost their makeup. Then, a group of old ladies agreed not to wear makeup in the future. The second time, they got together and looked left and right. Sure enough, the old lady of the Shen family was the youngest and the best.

"Keep enough sleep every day, have a good mood, and exercise positively. Even if you are old ladies, you are the most beautiful and healthy old ladies."

Shen Xianyu took the opportunity to beat them chicken blood.

Then take out the clothes and shoes and let them go to the nearest home to change them.

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