Chapter 27-28

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Chapter 27

As a very favored junior in the family, Wang Jinyu's fainting naturally attracted the attention of the whole Hou family. He pushed people around his room, wiped tears silently, and asked in a low voice. Finally, the person involved who vomited blood and was unconscious woke up.

Looking at the familiar top of the tent and thinking about what happened today, he jumped directly from bed and grabbed his eldest brother's hand, "Brother, you go with me to kill Shen Erlunatic!"

Dingbei Marquis and the family of the son plus a room: "!!!"

When I woke up, I missed the second girl of the Shen family. Isn't it true that Dr. Wang said?

"What are your eyes each!"

Wang Jinyu is very fragile and sensitive now. His family suspected that he was sick, and immediately exploded. He roared so much that he was a heartbreaking lungs, "I'm not sick!"

Naturally, the Wang family doesn't want their children to get sick.

Wang Jincheng, the son of the world, said, "Jinyu, calm down first and tell me that you would rather accept your father's training than marry Miss Shen before. Why did you pay attention to it again today?"

Wang Jinyu: "......."

"To be honest!"

At a glance at his guilty expression, Wang Zhilong was very angry.

As a dandy, Wang Jinyu was very loyal and did not confess his sister. After saying the intention, Wang Zhilong slapped him directly. Even if there had been speculation in his heart before, he really heard it from his son's mouth, and he couldn't help but feel angry, "Wang Jinyu, how can you have such a vicious mind!" !!"

"Wang Zhilong!"



At the same time as his words, there was also a scream of a bunch of people.

"Jinyu, my good grandson, does it hurt?" The old lady touched her grandson's swollen face and said sadly.

The following scene was very chaotic. When the family calmed down, Wang Jincheng frowned and asked, "Dad, do you think the Shen family knows Jin Yu's thoughts?"

"Just his stupid appearance, not to mention Shen Shangshu, he didn't hide it from Miss Shen Er. He also stole chickens and didn't erode rice, and he was so angry that he vomited blood." Wang Zhilong spoke and looked at Wang Jinyu's itchy hand and wanted to fight again.

"I have an unknown hunch."

Miss Shen Er is so famous that too many people pay attention to her. "Did you seal your mouth?"

Wang Zhilong's expression stiffened, and he forgot.

"What do you mean?" Wang Jinyu also felt something was wrong.

After a while, they knew that now everyone in the capital knew that Wang Jinyu was ill and fell in love with Miss Shen after being beaten.

"Nonsense, I didn't, I didn't!" Wang Jinyu jumped his feet: "I really don't!"

The Wang family is silent. What should we do now?

After thinking about it for a long time, the only way is to wait for the limelight to pass.


How to explain it!

Don't say that they can't produce evidence at all, but someone believes it?

"Me, what should I do?"

Wang Jinyu cried and asked her father and eldest brother, "How can I go out in the future and how can I get to college?" If I had known this, I wouldn't have provoked Shen Er crazy.

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