Chapter 186-188

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Chapter 186

Originally, she wanted to travel internationally with her husband, but not to mention that the plan failed, she had to be separated so far away. Shen Xianyu felt that she really had no motivation at all and wanted to do anything, just like paralysis.


She can't paralyze.

Several people said for a moment, paused and looked at her in unison.

"You said yours, leave me alone!"

Don't disturb her and make her sad for a little longer.

"You put forward this plan. Do you want to lose the chain at the critical moment?" The emperor's voice was very loud, and his eyes were also the biggest, as if Shen Xianyu dared to nod, and he could grow up and swallow her whole body directly.

In fact, it doesn't blame the emperor for being so nervous.

Although with the momentum of Daliang today, it will be a matter of time to unify the Western Liang Dynasty sooner or later, if Shen Er's plan succeeds, they will only have to pay a very small price. For this reason, the court is cooperating with this plan, which shows how much the emperor attaches to it.

Shen Er: "!!!"

The dog emperor is so scary.

The emperor: "..."

Believe it or not, he not only scares people, but also wants to beat people.

"Two girls, this is not a joke." Shen Tingsong looked over coldly. The pressure was definitely more sober than the fierce emperor. He patted his face and said slowly, "If you don't let me take my man with me, can't you slow down?" I didn't say I didn't care!"

Others: "..."

Then why did you just pretend that you didn't want to do anything?

"Okay, where did you say it? Go on, go on!"

Shen Er's voice is louder than that of the emperor.

A group of people began again.

Then, as he spoke, they looked at Shen Er all again. They had no idea before, but now!

They think the possibility of success may be very high.

It looks like I'm leaving soon.

Several people directly selected people. The young man in the team, the only older Yunzhenri in the team, just went to the frontier and would not go to Daliang. The emperor was a little worried, "Is there really no problem?"

Shen Tingsong and Yun Zhenri nodded at the same time.

"Whether don't you add two more, Shen Aiqing and Zhao Aiqing."

Seeing the little selfishness of his own father and father-in-law, Shen Xianyu directly interrupted the emperor, "Isn't this arrangement very good?" The younger generation of Daliang should go out for a break. When they come back, this is also a credit. You can reward it. If it were your important ministers, what else can you reward?"

What a fool!

Haven't you seen his father and father-in-law cultivating the next generation?

The emperor: "..."

Shall he add his son in?

Look down at the people on the list.

It's very depressing.

His important ministers are thinking about retirement, but what about him?

I don't know when I can rest.

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