Chapter 99-100

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Chapter 99

Less than half an hour later, Shen Tingsong put down the account book in his hand, looked at the more than a dozen books on his right hand that had been turned over by him, and looked away. He no longer wanted to see more books that had not been opened. His eyes were on the face of his daughter who had no sitting in love. After a long silence, he asked a word, "Give me the truth, Do you have more money than the Sun family?

Shen Xianyu shook her head: "I don't know."

How much money does the richest family have?

This is the truth. After thinking about it, she added, "I said before that money is a number for me, really not a big word, hey! I don't want this either. The main reason is that the people below are too powerful. They will send the books and money every quarter!"

Shen Tingsong: "..."

What can he say?

Can you tell others that 60% of the money-making shops in Liang Du nowadays belong to their daughters?

Then look at each other wearing very cheap cotton.


To some extent, she is really low-key.

"It doesn't matter if you have more money and less money," Shen Xianyu said. "Dad, are you satisfied with the beam now?"


Shen Tingsong nodded.

Monarch Shengming, although the court is intriguing, most of them are good. The people live and work in peace and contentment, and there is no war or disaster. He feels very good.

"Then you are free that day. Can you go out for a walk with me?"

Shen Tingsong looked at her and nodded for a long time.

Shen Tingsong was really busy at the end of the year. The ratings of officials from all over the country were summarized into the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Whether it was promoted or depreciated. Even if it was flattened, a lot of things needed to be considered, not to mention countless people wanted to be transferred back to Liangdu, but he always felt that it was also very important for his second girl to go out for a turn around, so he was in Taiwan. After working overtime under the light for a few nights, I finally squeezed out the day. "Let's go."

On this day, Shen Xianyu took four girls with him.

Shen Tingsong didn't say anything. When he went out, he got into the carriage, walked slowly from the quiet street, passed the downtown, and went all the way south.

The carriage stopped.

Shen Xianyu jumped out of the car directly and said, "Dad, I'm here."

Shen Tingsong's eyes are ordinary streets, and there is no difference between houses and other parts of Liangdu. "The four streets here live in people who work for Liang Du and their families."

Four streets!

"Let's walk slowly. Listen to me tell you."

Shen Tingsong nodded.

"There are two pharmacy shops on each street here, which is free for people living here."

The two walked slowly, unlike her often speaking with a show, Shen Xianyu's tone was very calm.

Shen Tingsong looked at the people passing by them. He easily found the difference. These people's faces were peaceful and happy.

It didn't take long to stop.

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