Chapter 59-60

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Chapter 59

The reason why the first person in martial arts is called the first martial arts is that even if he is drugged, even if the enemy is large, even if he is unprepared and the other party has been plotting for a long time, he still escaped with his own excellent force and fighting experience and was hunted all the way, at the end of his way. At that time, Liang Du was heavily guarded because of the assassination of the emperor on the Dragon Boat Festival, which made the pursuers suspicious, which gave him breathing time.

However, the empty old man went very well. His injuries were so serious that he is now dying.

But why did he die like this?

He doesn't want to let go of those enemies.

The previous shock, sadness and despair have been constantly killed, and all turned into deep hatred.

Therefore, he was so hated that he wanted to pass on the inner power of his life to the predestined people and avenge himself.

Obviously, Shen Xianyu, who was bleeding by Chuan Gong, was an unlucky man selected by the empty old man.

However, it may not be very good to get the name Kongkong. After transmitting the internal power, he only has one breath left. He just wanted to say, "I have passed on all the internal skills I have practiced in my life to you. You are my heir. I don't ask much. Help me take revenge."

The names of those enemies have been memorized since they were hunted down.

But he never thought that before he said, he was young and naive when he looked at it. The very deceptive little girl ran away without giving him a chance to speak at all.

The empty old man was dumbfounded.

The internal force is gone!

I'm going to die soon!

The last wish hasn't been made yet!

What should I do?

In the desperate situation, he burst out a strong desire to survive again!

Don't die!

At that time, the empty old man thought about these three words in his heart. He must not die. If he doesn't say his last wish, he will hold on to this tone.

Therefore, it makes sense to say that he was a former winner in life.

He really relied on a force of willpower and kept his anger until Shen Xianyu washed himself slowly.

Then, his unwilling eyes turned to Shen Xianyu's disgusting eyes.

It's too dirty!

Shen Xianyu, who is not obsessed with cleanliness, looked at a pool of blood on the ground, and the old man full of blood stains exuding a strong sour smell and no difference from that of beggars turned around and walked out again.

I'm out!

Why are you out again?

Is it so difficult to listen to him?

The old man's eyes were wideter, and he felt that he was going crazy!

Strively lift your right index finger.

Open your mouth and want to say, "Wait a minute!"

As a result, a mouthful of blood spit out again.

At this time, he even felt a cold breath approaching. Isn't it the enchanting black and white impermanence?

Don't die!

Don't die!


These three words still support him desperately.

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