Chapter 107-108

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Chapter 107

Not long after Shen Xianyu walked into the delivery room, Shen Muxuan appeared in front of everyone with four girls.

The quiet and heavy, tense and sad atmosphere seemed to suddenly become lively and busy.

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and boil the water!"

"Take these to cook, at least a quarter of an hour!"

"Go and bring the wine, the more the better!"

"Go out, go out, go to the yard. Don't pestle here. It's in the way!"


The voices of the four girls each competed higher than the other.

A group of people had just been blown out of the house, and the sound inside sounded again, "Where are the people? Are there any people who are flexible and quick to do things? Come in quickly.

A group of people who just came out: "..."

The old lady of the Yun family immediately put all the maids serving her in, as did Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Wang.

"The water boiler, where's the water! Why is it so slow!"

"Hurry up, hurry up and bring the wine in! Move as many as you want."

The people inside were urging that the people standing outside the yard were already sweating. They felt that there were a lot of things at once. One who went in and out accidentally bumped into it. When he urged the next person in his mouth, he thought about it and simply put his own hands, and stood up his ears up to listen to what was going on inside.

I also couldn't help following Yun Shaojie to help: "!!!"

Sure enough, the place where Shen Er is so different.

"Hy hurry up and don't let go of the corners."

"There is not enough wine. It's outside. Get ready quickly."

Wang Jiayun's family was also yelling when they heard this. What's going on? Why do subordinates who used to think it was pretty good look so slow?

The next people: "......."

Those who have time are already flying, okay?

It's too slow!

"Pake it in the wine as soon as it's cooked!"

"Do you have any eyes? The clothes are wet. How to wear them? Do you have any brains? Dry them with internal strength! Remember to touch the hands of what was delivered in. Be sure to wash them clean and then run with wine for a while. Hurry up!"

Therefore, the masters of the Wang family and Yun began to bake clothes.

I don't know how long I've been so busy. Except for Shen Er's five masters and servants and Dr. Wang, everyone else was kicked out.

The inside finally calmed down, and the people in the yard became more uneasy.

Mrs. Wang grabbed Mrs. Wang's hand and said, "Mother, what's going on? Why didn't there be any movement?"

Mrs. Wang: "..."

She was also very panicked!

At the age of becoming soil, if she watched her eldest granddaughter go first, she thought she might as well go with her.

She can't afford that pain.

When Shen Tingsong and his family arrived, they saw a group of people standing in the yard, with buckets of wine next to them. After searching, they didn't see their daughter and the four girls. They walked to their eldest son and asked silently, "What's going on?"

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