Chapter 137-138

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Chapter 137

The solution is not as long as you want. In addition to letting the eldest sister follow her for the time being, Shen Xianyu, not even has a direction. It's a headache!

On the contrary, the prince of Xiliang was assassinated by the third prince, and the progress was very fast.

Even if the third prince kept denying that under the evidence was conclusive, the Ministry of Justice closed the case quite quickly. As for how to sentence and how to deal with it, the emperor asked the Ministry of Justice to record how Daliang's law was sentenced later, and then saved an original file and another copy, so that the people of Xiliang could be fast. Send it back. They don't care how Xiliang people will add oil and vinegar.

They don't want to fight, but they don't mean they are afraid of fighting.

Xiliang and Daliang are far apart. Even if the fast horse keeps running day and night, it will be a month later. At this time, the weather in Liangdu is already a little hot. He is thin shirts, with fans in his hand, and piles of cool people under the willow trees. Some people are talking about their parents are short, and some people holding branches on the ground. Compared with the new words I learned today, it looks comfortable and peaceful.

Another group of Xiliang people entered the city.

It's just that there is no grand welcome ceremony this time, which are dark and scary.

The leader is really murderous. It's so horrible that many people can't help but soften their legs at a glance. The people of Xiliang are not good!

Li Shaojing is really angry and angry.

He never thought that the unfilial son would really marry himself and marry a maid from Dongliang. As soon as this happened, his face was lost throughout the beam.

When he came to Dongliang this time, the first thing he had to do was to kill the beast!

Therefore, after entering the city, he rushed directly to the official Shangshu Mansion.

The bodyguard of Shen's house can be said to be the easiest bodyguard in the whole Liangdu.

Not to mention how powerful their master Lord Shen is. The little master is already the commander of Jinyiwei at a young age. Nowadays, Jinyiwei knows that he can't afford to provoke, let alone a crazy Shen Er at home. Therefore, since they became a bodyguard, they have never met anyone who came to find fault with each other, so much as Seeing a group of people with aggressive weapons, they actually slandered in their hearts. Where did this fool come from?

"What are you doing!"

The bodyguard standing in front shouted loudly.

As a general who can be with Wang Zhilong and Yun Zhenri Qiming, Li Shaojing can't only have no brain. It's like finding faults, but this does not mean that he said coldly, "Liang Li Shaojing visited Lord Shen at the beginning!"

Li Shaojing!

General Xiliang!

What is he doing here?

"Please wait a moment!"

Since they did not have bright weapons, they naturally treated each other politely. When they finished speaking, they immediately turned around and ran. They ran a few steps. They thought wrong. Lord Shen, the most powerful man in their house, was in the official department, and the young master and the second lady, were in the Jinyiwei, so they stopped and said to a bodyguard beside them, "Go to the official department, I Go to Jinyiwei!"

Then he ran out of Shenfu.


Perhaps influenced by Shen Er's ability to run, when their second lady slipped out his apprentice, the bodyguard of the Shen family secretly thought that as a bodyguard, it would be a little embarrassing if he could not win the master.

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