Chapter 131-132

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Chapter 131

Shen Xianyu took her three sisters to follow the sacrificial army, and set out from the palace early, looked at a group of civil and military ministers who were still kept in the dark, secretly poking happy pigs in his heart.

In particular, his own father seems to be very calm. He has always been vigilant of the surrounding environment and is always ready to protect His Majesty.

Tut, it's really cool!

When she was overjoyed, she began to look at the city where she lived.

This year has changed a lot.

It's neat and clean. She no longer has to worry about walking and accidentally stepping on the baba, because with a public toilet, there will be no picture of standing or squatting under the willow trees. Well, the environment is very important, especially these changes are brought by her. Shen Xianyu has a particularly sense of accomplishment, not to mention that there is still a group of kind, enthusiastic and easy to deceive here. No, they are simple, positive and eager people who love learning and struggle.

How to say?

Along the way, looking at the lovely smiling faces in the distance, the three little white sisters in front of them, the cold appearance of their own father, and the four girls in their own family all had their unique personality charm, and their sense of belonging to home directly rose to the beam of today.

Maybe she can do more and better.

Even if she can't reach the rich and strong country she loved before crossing, she can at least try to make hardworking people from hunger.

I was thinking nonsense and soon arrived at the place where he sacrificed his ancestors.


The royal family is different.

Their sacrifices are not built on the imperial mausoleum, but on the northeast of the imperial city, and the imperial mausoleum is on the mountain behind.

It was really a very wide round altar. There were stairs leading to the altar on all sides. There were various ancient totems carved between the stairs. The personnel of the ceremonial department had already been in place. When the emperor's reliance arrived, the thick bell rang. Shen Xianyu had just straightened his face and planned to be serious. As a result Look at the wide and round place extending from their feet to the stone ladder of the altar.

One is out of control, and his mind is flying away again.

This place!

It's definitely a good place to dance in square dancing!

The place is large enough for hundreds of people to dance here. Look at the paved floor with white jade slabs under your feet. That's called a flattening. There will never be tripping and spraining your ankle. The most important thing is that the environment here is beautiful. There are no one living around, and it doesn't disturb the people!


It really couldn't be more suitable.

Thinking about this, her dance cells became excited. As soon as her body moved twice, she was pinched hard by her own father Shen Tingsong.

The pain made her recover!

Thinking of it, this is a very serious occasion. What they have to do next is also very solemn. They immediately showed an apologizing smile at Dad. Then, they stood upright, and their whole body was brewing their mood at the funeral. As for square dance, get out of here! Don't try to shake her!

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