Chapter 23-24

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Chapter 23

The emperor stared at his eunuch-in-chief and his eyes were burning: "You said that the maid of Shen Aiqing's daughter kowtowed to the nephew of Xin Guibin. As the emperor's eunuch and the highest-ranking slave in the world, it cost too much to kowtowt to Xin Guibin?"

Qian Duoduo is a small, thin and white skin. I'm afraid the most prominent person is the cold triangle eyes on his face. When he doesn't laugh, it's very gloomy, and it's more penetrating when he laughs. He can sit firmly in the position of the chief eunuch. These eyes have great contributions.

At this time, the vicious money in the eyes of others twitched. If he remember correctly, the emperor was not so excited on his wedding night.

However, it's one million taels per kowtowing, which is a good deal.

Suddenly, he was a little sad. Why didn't he meet the nephew of Xin Guigui before he entered the palace?



"The slave is going to fight now."

Well, Qian Duoduo has decided. I didn't meet him before, and now you can't miss it. Even if the money in the future has to be handed over to the emperor, he is willing. Who let those rich and insensitive profiteers didn't let him kowtow to make money in the first place!

"The slaves strive to fight 167."

The emperor looked at his headkeeper with admiration, and then shook his head, "After you go, tell Concubine Xin Guigui what happened in the college first, and then I said that I kowtowed one million yuan. Xingui concubines are more nobler than her nephew. They knocked ten first and get 10 million taels. You can go when I lack money again. "

Doesn't he want more money?

I think so.

However, you can't go bankrupt at once. Take your time and take your time. From now on, the money earned by the richest man Sun family will slowly enter his purse. I feel very happy when I think about it.

"Your Majesty is wise."

Qian Duoduo praised it sincerely. Sure enough, the master was more dark than him, and he led the order.

The emperor thought with his chin. Well, Shen Erlunatic has some fortune. Every time something goes wrong, he can make money. Anyway, he should reward her and let her continue to work hard!

Money is absolutely impossible.

Thinking of Shen Er's reputation as crazy, I might as a word to reward her.

The noble concubine in the harem, with shock and confusion on her petite and pure face like jasmine, what kowtow to give one million taels?

Why doesn't she understand?

What happened?

Qian Duoduo didn't care whether she was confused or not, kowtowed respectfully, leaving a sentence "Imbe the Empress will not let the emperor down" and turned around and left.

A quarter of an hour later, Xin Guibin, who understood the cause and effect of the matter, cried with a cry.

She is so miserable!

When other women in the harem heard about it, they were initially: "!!!"

Then he immediately sent someone back to tell his mother's house that the emperor had gone crazy about money. Don't find him a chance, otherwise he would definitely be peeled off.

Naturally, the dignitaries of Liangdu were stunned by the emperor's operation again: "!!!"

They know that the emperor loves money, but is that okay?

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