Chapter 111-112

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Chapter 111

The gentlemen were very satisfied with the effect of their appearance, because on the first day, there were not many scholars on the spot. However, after the first scholar raised questions and the gentleman on the stage answered them in detail, the atmosphere immediately became active.

Of course, this kind of activity is carried out in a courtesy and orderly manner.

The people standing quietly behind the book that have never read: "!!!"

I don't understand, but it really looks so awesome.

Not to mention that the gentleman on the stage is the scholar in front of the stage. In their eyes, there are two words between words and behaviors. Excellent!


Since you can read for free now, can you send all your children here, not to mention all of them, but pick out one or two smart people to learn. Will there be such an excellent among their children in many years?

Liangdu's news has always been spread relatively fast, fast, and he came close and listened to a lot. The imperial edict had the opportunity to ask questions. Many times, his breath ended before he gasped well. It was false to say that he was not disappointed. Fortunately, the course schedule was soon posted on the table. Tomorrow And.

The triennial imperial examination is definitely a major event, whether for the court or the people.

Soon Liang Du's people found that there were many differences this time.

Because I'm really busy.

Several street inns, restaurants have been expropriated, beds, bedding, screens, tables, chairs, benches and even bowls and chopsticks are specially studied and customized by the Ministry of Industry. The contents are moved out, the newly prepared things are moved in, cleaned up and down, and the tiles on the roof have not been released.

Because of the property of the four major families of Liangdu Wulin, the previous renovation of various departments has been renovated. Even so, someone still cleans it every day, and the officials shuttle back and forth. When they see what needs to be corrected, they immediately write it down.

It's not just a place to live and a test room.

The whole Liangdu seems to be like the speeches of the imperial historians.

"Liang is the place where the emperor is located. It is the largest city in Daliang, the most powerful and prosperous place. People living here should have the tolerance and broad mind that the people of the big city should have. When they treat students from afar, they should not only feel the demeanor of the capital, but also let them experience it. The kindness and enthusiasm of the people in the capital let them know that the people of Liangdu welcome them very much and wish them good results in the exam.

Hearing such words, the people all looked proud and straightened their shoulders. Yes, they were the kind of people.

Especially when they brought their children to read for free, they also learned a lot of words.

Everything is really moving in a particularly beautiful direction.

"Please treat every student from afar. They are also the children of Daliang and the treasures of their parents. Who doesn't have a child? Put yourself in a different position. When your child goes to a strange town, do you also hope that he can meet a kind and kind person and give him a smile..." The imperial historians are full of energy.

The people kept nodding hard.

The adults on the stage did not ask them to do much. If some outsiders got lost and told him how to get there with a smile and so on. It was really a hand-rove. How could they not? Even many people began to look forward to the arrival of those students.

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