Chapter 135-136

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Chapter 135

Li Xinxiu: "..."

Even if I have been with them for a while, I know that their feelings are really good. Now at such a dangerous moment, when I listen to Siya's words, I can't help but be a little stunned, especially when I see Siya's serious face and doesn't seem to be a joke.

"What's wrong?"

Si Ya asked.

Li Xinxiu shook his head, "It's all right!"

"Don't be afraid, fight later, follow me, don't shout, okay? I won't let you be fine.

Siya held a stool and stared at the five fools who had already put the sword and stood on the stairs and put their shapes, without looking back.

The young lady has taught them for a long time.

Don't talk nonsense when fighting, let alone hesitate to fight. If you think it's time for the other party to fight, just pick up your weapons and rush it over.


So what about the master!

It's useless and useless.

As a responsible father, Shen Tingsong naturally stood in front of his daughter, holding a whip, even if he stood on the first floor and stared at the popularity of the world higher than him.

A middle-aged man in blue, one of the sons of the empty old man, heard a cold and sarcastic smile, "Father, who would have thought that the famous empty old man would have fallen behind a yellow-haired girl to survive. What's the point of you living like this? Why can't you die obediently!"

If they don't see his body for a day, they will not feel at ease for a day. This immortal man will always be against them.

Shen Tingsong, Shen Xianyu, Daya and others all looked at the old sky one after another.

I didn't pay much attention just now and thought they had listened. This time they heard it clearly. Shen Xianyu directly asked everyone, "Do you have your own life?"

The empty old man's face was very hot. Although Jianghu people were informal, they were chased and killed so blatantly by his wife and children's friends. At least he seemed to be the only one among the famous decent family who died. He stayed in Liangdu for a long time. Even if Shen Er was sometimes very unconcilable, Laokong understood that although she usually relieved Shen Ting. She is blue and has no image, but if someone really dares to harm her father, Shen Er will definitely work hard with the other party.

Not to mention in the whole Liangdu, filial piety is something that everyone should abide by.

In front of the last pair of incredible eyes, the old man nodded hard.

When the head nod, his skin thickened, yes! Dear! How's it going? He is a failed father! He just can't teach his son! All right?

You group of people, read jokes to your heart's content!

But no one laughed there.

Shen Er even patted the old man on the shoulder. After the establishment of Jinyiwei, the first person to be investigated was not the four families, but the old man. Of course, neither Shen Muxuan nor Shen Xianyu would say this.

It is not too much for this person to say that his life is legendary.

That's an excellent existence of good luck.

All the people killed were extremely sinful. It was not so excessive. He basically showed mercy. He either unloaded one of the other party's arms or legs, or used the enemy's efforts as a lesson. There were really no innocent people, so that Shen Xianyu could not even if he wanted to cross the river and tear down the bridge.

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