Chapter 39-40

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Chapter 39

The dragon boat is like an arrow from the string, sailing far away on the wide and calm river, which looks spectacular.

Countless people opened their mouths and were about to cheer for the dragon boat team they liked or had something to do with. The next moment, they seemed to have been clicked. Obviously, it was a place where people were crowded, and they were silent.

Why didn't there be a dragon boat moving on the shore?

What are they doing?


Knowing that they would make a fool of herself, Shen Xianyu never thought that they would be so funny. In a new life without pressure, she completely let herself go, just like now, holding her stomach without hesitation, and the laughter was called a happy joy.

Who would have thought that a group of scum put on their energy to breastfeed, but the dragon boat stopped on the river, motionless, which was really funny.

The strange-looking others were immediately attracted by her laughter.

The Shen family blushed and turned red, which was really embarrassing.

Shen Tingsong clenched the whip with his left hand tightly, and his right hand was pressed on his left hand to stop it vigorously. He kept thinking about the heart scriptures. He couldn't be angry or beat people. Even if the Shen family's face had been lost, the emperor was here. Hold on, you must hold on. Jumping out at this time, it will only let Outsiders read more jokes.

The emperor turned his head to look at the girl with a smile, and even her throat was looming, and he wanted to look up and ask the sky again.

Why did you let him hear such a strange girl's voice?

Many people whispered the discussion.

"Who is she?"

"Shen Er!"

"Oh, it turns out that she is the famous Shen Erlunatic!"

"Well, it's really abnormal."

"But it's quite beautiful."

"The voice is so loud. Didn't you say that everyone's daughter is very gentle?"

"Is it from other places? She is Shen Er.


When they knew that the person who laughed was Shen Er, everyone thought it was normal. They were crazy, and no one would think that the madman would suppress his emotions to take care of other people's face. Besides, the motionless boat was really funny. Obviously, the oars rowed, and they also used their strength to watch those young people. Ah, why doesn't the boat move?

Scumbags also want to know this problem.

Chen Qin laughed happily. As a dandy, he still knew how to restrain himself and cover his mouth with a fan.

Su Lan looked at a boat of red-eared people on the river, replaced it with himself slightly, and spit out three words, "It's so embarrassing!"

"Did-did!" Zhao Rui answered.

"It's funny!" None of them expected that their boss would say the same thing.

"Bss, who do you mean? Is Shen Er still the group of idiots?"

Yun Shaojie looked at Shen Er, and his meaning couldn't be more obvious.

In all his memories, he has never met such a person. He is happy every day. The emperor can still laugh in front of him and glanced at Shen Tingsong. The last loyal minister and famous minister of Daliang in his previous life, a smart person who caused him a lot of trouble. At this time, he was also angry with her. He was so good. Qi, what else can this girl do?

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