Chapter 149-151

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Chapter 149

Since insisting on practicing yoga, the old lady of the Shen family has been getting better day by day. She eats well and sleeps. Coupled with her capable eldest son and eldest grandson, her life can be said to be quite comfortable, and she looks much younger than her real age.

I got up this morning. After exercising, I looked at myself who didn't look old at all in the mirror. Listening to the maid who served said playful and funny words, and I laughed even more sincerely.

As he spoke, he talked about Shen Tingsong and Shen Muxuan.

Even if it was all praise, the old lady still thought that she hadn't seen them for several days in a row, and she missed them in her heart. "Remember to remind me at night and wait for their father and son to come back. I'll sleep at first sight."

Naturally, the subordinates nodded and responded.

As a result, when it was time for breakfast, I saw two daughter-in-law and asked strangely, "Where's the boss?" What about the others?"

The first lady still shook her head confusedly with red eyes. In this family, she only cares about her husband and her flowers, flowers, calligraphy and painting, and at most, she asks a pair of children when she remembers that she is a mother. Recently, because of Shen Tingsong's busyness, she is in a level of jealousy, loneliness and sadness. Duan, the painting is sad, the poem is sad and beautiful, and the watering of flowers is cold. Where can I have time to take care of my children?

Mrs. Shen really wants to whiten her eyes.

However, she still cared about the image when she was born, so she smiled at her second daughter-in-law.

The second lady deserves to be a good daughter-in-law who is famous all over Liangdu. She can be said to be a mother-in-law, and even said without exaggeration. When Shen Tingtong and his second wife had a conflict, the old lady was definitely on her side and said with a smile, "My husband and the man in the family are all He was taken away by the eldest brother and Mu Xuan, saying that it was the emperor's order. The court was not staffed enough. Let them help.

Mrs. Shen: "..."

Is that okay?

She couldn't care about the court. She looked at it and found that the two daughter-in-law were not dissatisfied, and then asked, "What about them?"

"It's all in the second girl's yard. It's said that they also need manpower!" The second lady smiled and said, "I think the child who is in Xianyu doesn't look very reliable, but to put it from the bottom of my heart, it is quite good for the family. In a blink of an eye, their sisters are almost the age to leave the cabinet. Now it's good to get along more."

Mrs. Shen patted her hand and stood up, "You, it's too gentle. Does the second girl look unreliable? Obviously, it's really not very reliable!"

It's not interesting for three people to have breakfast at all, especially compared with the lively people in the past.

Mrs. Shen, who used to eat two bowls of rice every morning, only ate one bowl today, which is the result of the second lady's constant persuasion.

As for the eldest lady.

You can have red eyes for breakfast.

I thought about Shen Tingsong. Fortunately, I still remember that this was the old lady's yard, and I couldn't help falling off the tears.

At the end of a meal, the eldest lady got up and said goodbye. She was going to see her new orchid, which was the master's favorite.

Mrs. Shen thought for a moment and said, "Let's go, let's go to the weed yard!"

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