Chapter 171-172

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Chapter 171

The emperor paid the price for his hair, and Shen Xianyu was not very embarrassed to be lazy.

Therefore, I asked for a long vacation for a month because I was not feeling well.

Shen Muxuan looked at the sister in front of him and couldn't find a reason not to approve it at all. He knew that the second sister had something to do, but, "Or you don't be a doorman, right?" Let's recruit again!"

"No way!"

Shen Xianyu was staunciated, "Dry doorman is my main profession. I want to work until I'm old!"

Shen Muxuan: "..."

All right.

You have the right to say, and you have the final say.

"Be careful!"

I still gave a sentence before I left.

Shen Xianyu turned around, with a bright smile and raised her eyebrows, "I also give this to the eldest brother. At the end of the road, we should guard against those people and dogs in the world jumping over the wall. Only you can bear the burden of the Shen family."


Then Shen Xianyu, who asked for leave, was still very busy.

Every day, she took the stalks of her four maids in the streets and alleys, and walked through all corners of Liangdu with their feet.

And the people of Liangdu, especially the group of gossip, often find a head coming out of chatting, "What's behind? How about the back?"

The first day of leave.

Shen Er is shopping.

I ate a bunch of sugar-coated haws, four meat buns, and two bowls of noodles...

The next day, Shen Er was still shopping, arrested a thief, beat a drunk man who flirted with her, and chatted with a group of aunts while eating melon seeds for half an hour...

On the third day, Shen Er went shopping...


The emperor looked at the whereabouts of Shen Er in Liu Ying's report, touched his bare head and a question mark full of his head.

Don't say it's him.

That is, Liang is guessing what Shen Er is going to do?

It was not until the fifteenth day that Shen Er went to Chuguan in Qinglou and went there every morning for five consecutive days. It was dark to go home.

The emperor: "!!!"

Touch his head and be angry!

Compensation for his hair.

Shen Er, it's really not worth his trust.

Shen family: "!!!"

What's going on!

Is it difficult that Yun Shaojie has arrived, and the second girl doesn't cherish it!

Yun family: "!!!"

How is Shaojie?

The father-in-law's heart has always been blocked. She said to Yun Zhenri every day, "I said at the beginning that I would not let Shen Er enter the door, let Shen Er enter the door, and I can't marry Shen Er. Now it's fine now. What should I do? Can you tell me what to do? I dare not go out to see anyone now! My poor son, he may be embarrassed now.

Cloud Shock: "..."

"Why don't I talk to Shen Tingsong?"

"What are you talking about! What else is there to talk about? Just divorce her!"

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