Chapter 63-64

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Chapter 63

After reading the book overnight, Shen Xianyu yawns a lot in everything she does now.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes again and resist the next yawn that was about to come out again. Shen Xianyu asked Shen Muxuan, who had been staring at her in a sleepy voice.

"Second sister."

Shen Muxuan showed a very gentle smile. He stepped forward and walked to Shen Xianyu. The latter immediately woke up. She knew very well that such a big brother could not be provoked. She quickly stood up straight, sucked his itchy nose, and said, "Brother, I haven't caused trouble recently."

"Did you give the electric fan to Yun Shaojie?"

Listening to this tone, I'm sure.


Shen Xianyu: How could the eldest brother know?

"So, did you go out so early yesterday morning to send a fan to Yun Shaojie? Still secretly sending it?"


Brother, too smart people are often not pleasing.

Haven't you heard that people are struggling to tear it down?

"I want it, too."

Shen Muxuan said his purpose directly. He had long found that he could not beat around the bush when talking to his second sister. Otherwise, she would definitely be blamed by her for being undecent. "If you don't give it to me, I will rob Yun Shaojie."

As soon as she heard the following words, Shen Xianyu really wanted to hit the other party's forehead. Thinking that she still had five in her hand, and so on, her eyes widened. When she turned around, she saw a pink electric fan hanging around her neck. It turned out that it was exposed here. What else can I do but recognize it?

Looking at Shen Muxuan, he nodded and said the word "good".

"Second sister."

Unexpectedly, as soon as this fell, her kind-hearted elder sister looked at her gently and her voice was a little sad, "There is a riding and shooting class this afternoon. The sun is so strong and the weather is so hot. I really don't know what to do?"

Shen Muxuan: "......."

"Sister, don't frown. Wait for me. I'll go back to the yard to get it now."

She can't see the sadness of the beauty.

"Wait a minute."

Shen Xianlan said, "Second sister, I'm going to take a riding and shooting class!"

However, when Shen Xianyu didn't hear it, she ran away with her legs and faintly heard the crying of the third sister, but she didn't pay attention to her.

No, she still likes the third sister very much. Crying is the temperament of the third sister, and tears are the source of inspiration. Crying more about the third sister's talent will be even more amazing.

That's it. That's right. She's a good sister.

At the gate of Shen Mansion, Shen Xianlan sobbed in a low voice, "Big sister, doesn't the second sister like me?"

Shen Xianjing just looked at her quietly and didn't say anything.

Shen Xianlan didn't need her answer. She cried again and told her drifting fate and sentimental emotions. Soon, the inspiration really came, and she began to recite poems in front of other brothers and sisters.

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