Chapter 77-78

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Chapter 77

Your Majesty: "!!!"

Looking at this scene, emotions such as excitement, shock, excitement and so on are in my heart. After so many years as emperor, he has not felt the meaning of the word emperor as strongly as he is now. His slightly trembling hands are clenched into fists, just like when he ascended the throne. No, every time he walks by at this time. One step is more stable and firmer than then.

He is an emperor, above the sky, stepping on the earth, and the only monarch on this land. He holds the highest power and shoulders the lives of the people of the world...

At each step, the emperor's face is more confident and domineering, and he is energetic and guides the country.

Shen Xianyu looked at the opposite side. Although her original intention was to make the emperor happy, she couldn't help complaining in her heart. Tut, Emperor Dog was really miserable. Obviously, he was the king of a country, but she was shocked by this little flower shelf. It was really stupid to have never seen the world.

While leaking domineeringly, the emperor swallowed the mountains and rivers suddenly heard Shen Er's voice. All the heroic ambitions disappeared, and his expression became cold and numb.

Shen Er!

It's so annoying!

She can't see him well.

The feeling just now is really great. Can't you let him experience it for a while?

At this moment, he didn't want to hear Shen Er's voice at all.

Take a deep breath.

I want to find my feelings again, but before he finds it, the road has come to an end.

Forget it, he likes this opening.

If you don't see it, you won't see it. As soon as it comes out, his expectations for Jinyiwei have increased by another level.

Stand in the middle and nod slightly.

Qian Duoduo signaled and said loudly, "False!"

"Thank you, your magis."

Obviously, there are only three words, but they are still as powerful as they just now, and they are warm-blooded.

Then he got up neatly. Everyone stood back to the original position in accordance with Shen Er's requirements. The emperor saw Shen Muxuan opposite at a glance and thought proudly, calm, calm and confident. Well, he deserved to be the first person of their younger generation, which was excellent.

The emperor naturally wanted to say two sentences when he appeared. The speech was written by Shen Xianyu a long time. When the emperor first read it, his heart beat faster with excitement, which almost wrote in his heart.

He, who had already memorized it, said to a group of future brocade guards in an emotional and inspiring tone.

Shen Er was not surprised. The manuscript was ready. As an emperor, if he could not carry it well, he would have toss something. Let's go home and wash and sleep.

There was only the emperor's voice on the field, but he didn't feel embarrassed at all.

Shen Muxuan listened to the impulse to kneel down and immediately work for the emperor, not to mention others.

I'm afraid that the calmest person present was Yun Shaojie. Looking at the three dandy around him coldly, he trembled with excitement, and his eyes were so bright that they could compete with the moon tonight. It is estimated that if the emperor asked them to fight with knives at this time, the three of them would rush up for fear that they would not frown.

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