Chapter 166-168

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Chapter 166

"Is the moon beautiful?"

After asking this, Shen Xianyu laughed at herself. She must have been influenced by the little white flowers at home, and she also gave birth to several literary and artistic cells.

Of course, there are only a few, not more.

Yun Shaojie also knows a little about Shen Er. This girl is quite pragmatic and expresses her emotions in a straightforward way. Now when she hears such words, she thinks that today's moon is very beautiful, so she looks carefully and it carefully.

"Would you like to go to the moon?"

Shen Xianyu has known his male god carefully. So far, he has been interested in two things. The first is knowledge. He has a strong thirst for knowledge about what he doesn't know that he has never touched. Well, he deserves to be her male god. She is smart and progressive!

Sure enough.

Yun Shaojie is very interested in this topic, "Do you have a way?"


Shen Xianyu nodded and looked back at Yun Shaojie, "But it will take a lot of time."

Yun Shaojie was still looking at the moon, "Then I'll wait!"

Going to the moon is definitely more difficult than heaven.

After separation, both of them were in a good mood.

In Shen Xianyu's opinion, on the eve of marriage, she made such a promise, which was most romantic.

"Homekeeper, is the gift for the young lady ready?"

In the village, a woman in cyan clothes asked her man.

"I've been ready for a long time."

The man smiled and couldn't help but be happy thinking that it was a wedding invitation written by the young lady himself. In fact, as the village head of the village, they had never seen the young lady look like. The people who have been in charge of their village were all girls, bringing high-yielding crops and carefully teaching them how to plant and breed. As the little girl said at the beginning, as long as they are willing to work hard, they can live a life of food and clothing.

In just a few years, every family in the village has built new houses, and the road leading to the outside has been wide and flat.

There are schools and hospitals in the village!

There is food and money at home!

Looking back on this year's harvest, the grain in the field, the juice on the mountain, and the fish in the fish pond have made a lot with their concerted efforts, not to mention at the end of the year, the pig farm returned to a batch of fat pigs.

Before Daya appeared, how could they expect to live their current life? No one could eat eggs in the morning, and meat could be eaten every day. The staple food was white rice and white flour.

It's all because of Da Ya.

Because of the young lady she said.

Although Daya said that they all created it with their diligent hands, they still had indescribable gratitude in their hearts.

In the past, they would send things there every month, but soon they will give them more, such as asking Dr. Liang Youming to treat the villagers free of charge, preparing books for children, preparing winter clothes for the elderly, etc.

How can they not be grateful?

This time, the young lady got married. Although she couldn't ask everyone in the village to go, as the village head, he was the representative of their village.

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