Chapter 6-10

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Chapter 6

That afternoon, as usual, Shen Tingsong came back from the official department to the study to teach Shen Muxuan, the eldest son he had high expectations.

The door was knocked.

Both father and son frowned at the same time. Thinking that both Shen Mansion knew what they were doing during this period. There was no big deal, and the emergency would not be disturbed. Shen Tingsong returned to normal and let Qingshi, the close slave guarding the door, come in.


Qingshi's expression was pushed away strangely, and a young, strange but beautiful smiling face appeared in front of them. The little girl walked very big, her hands were shook high, and her smiled too brightly. More than half of her white teeth were exposed. At first glance, she had never learned the etiquette of the boudoir, which was very rude.

Why did you call him father?

Shen Muxuan looked at the little girl, and then looked at his father. He didn't know this sister. At the first time, he thought that his father, who could be said to be perfect, actually didn't accept gifts?

Are you so shocked?

"Dad, I'm going to study at Tianshui College!"

Shen Xian said in a word.

Hearing this tone, Shen Tingsong inexplicably felt familiar with it. Looking at the girl standing beside her, his cold and noble expression was almost tense. His tone was not so sure and he asked, "Are you Xianyu?"


Surprise or surprise!

Shen Xianyu jumped forward, held her head in both hands, came to Shen Tingsong, shook left and right and said, "Dad, you don't even know your 16-year-old daughter. Don't you feel sorry to me?" I have to be arranged to go to Tianshui College to make up for my injured heart.

Shen Tingsong: "!!!"

Even if there are exclamation points full of his head, he still has no lost his mind. Looking at the eldest daughter in front of him, calm down, he wants to calm down.

"You are the second sister!"

Shen Muxuan didn't have such a good determination and directly pointed to her and shouted.


Shen Tingsong's attention was diverted, coughed dryly, and glanced at his eldest son, signaling him to pay attention to his manners.

"Yes, big brother, are you beautiful by me?" When she said this, she directly threw a beautiful look at Shen Muxuan.

Shen Muxuan: "......."


"What's wrong with your previous face?" Shen Tingsong decided to take the initiative and could not be taken tilted by the other party.

"What's going on?"

Shen Xianyu looked puzzled, "Dad, what are you talking about? My face has always been like this!"

"Sister, we have eyes." Shen Muxuan couldn't help saying something.

"Dad, big brother, I've always been like this!" Shen Xianyu felt that he didn't admit it, "I don't believe it. Ask Daya, Erya."

"Yes, that's right. Our young lady has always been so beautiful."

Daya and Erya said in a very positive tone.

I thought they would believe it in this way.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"Go to Tianshui College!"

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